
All News

March 9, 2022



2) Nominate your Fav GSI! TONIGHT!

3) UCDC Xtended Ddln

4) State Capitol Intrnshp

5) Peer Data Svcs

6) Freedom Summer 2022

7) Meta Legal Scholars





Sign up for the Legal Studies Commencement Ceremony here.

The ticket purchase link will be sent out at a later date.

March 7, 2022

February 28, 2022


1) Pre-Law Summit(s)
2) Job Search Help
3) Aerospace Alumni Chat
4) Interview Help  TODAY!!!
5) Inclusion Career Summit
6) Social Impact Jobs
7) Sports Career Jobs
8) One Fair Wage
9) Speed Mentoring
10) LSAT Wkshp
11) Law & Ocean Policy
12) Su Sessions Fair
13) Update LinkedIn
14) Tech for Good
15) Intl Student Netwrkng


1) Pre-Law Summit(s)

Pre-Law Summit(s)

February 24, 2022

Charts show where homicides are spiking most in the Bay Area
Thursday, February 24, 1:16 pm

Professor Jonathan Simon explains the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on communities that are vulnerable to violence

February 22, 2022


1) BLSA x HRC Event!
2) Leg Asst Job
3) Gilman Schlrshp Help
4) $$ For Global Intrnshp
5) Ca Legl Studies Jrnl - Submit!
6) Career Summit


1) BLSA x HRC Event!

BLSA x HRC Event!

February 17, 2022

cover for The Limits of the Legal Complex

The Limits of the Legal Complex: Nordic Lawyers and Political Liberalism

Edited by Malcolm Feeley and Malcolm Langford

  • Provides a new application of Nordic exceptionalism in the field of legal politics

February 16, 2022


1) Legalst Commencement
2) Student Imm. Relief Clinic
3) Student Job
4) Fllwshps, Grants, $$$
5) Youth/Edu Opportunities
6) Service Schlrshp
7) Riesenfeld Symposium
8) GPP Minor
10) Creating a DeCal?


1) Legalst Commencement

Legalst Commencement

The Legal Studies Commencement will be held on Sunday, May 15th at 2pm in Zellerbach Auditorium. I will send out an online sign-up form soon. And I will update the website 'Commencement' page soon as well with much more detail.

Edward L. Rubin andMalcolm M. Feeley, have a forthcoming article in the Oregon Law Review, Criminal Justice through Management: From Police, Prosecutors, Courts and Prisons to a Modern Administrative Agency, 100 Oregon Law Review (2022 forthcoming).

This article will be one of three featured presentations at a symposium celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the Oregon Law Review in early April.

February 15, 2022

Please join us for our next two forum sessions:

February 9, 2022

February 3, 2022

The Center for the Study of Law and Society (CSLS) at Berkeley Law is pleased to announce the Graduate Fellowship in Empirical Legal Studies for the Academic Year 2022-2023. The University of California Berkeley has long been associated with innovative empirical research on law, at least since the founding of the Center for the Study of Law and Society by Philip Selznick in 1961. CSLS is one of the headwaters for the law and society field and empirical legal studies.

February 1, 2022


1) APAPLA Ddln 2/2
2) Undrgrd Legal Honors Society
3) Rethinking the War on Drugs
4) EPA Intrnshp  Ddln 2/2
5) Legal Career Schlrshp
6) Primary Intrnshp Prog
7) URAP Ddln Extended  Ddln 2/2
8) Su Intrnshps
9) SLC Writing Prog
10) Undergrad Journal
11) Ca Legal Studies Journal
12) Sheriff Svc Cadet Jobs




Asian Pacific American Pre-Law Association

January 25, 2022

January 18, 2022

January 10, 2022

Dear JSP community,

With the start of the new semester, I am delighted to announce the first three sessions of the JSP Forum:

January 3, 2022

KQED Newscast

Start around 56 seconds into the podcast to hear the brief segment with Jonathan Simon. 

Click below for the KQED Newscast episode. 

December 1, 2021

1) Dec 1st Event
2) Last Day for Late Changes
3) Pre-Law @ Chapman U
4) D-Lab Positions
5) Vanguard Court Watch
6) Legal Svcs for Prisoners w/Children
7) Leadership Intrnshp Prog
8) Black Undergrad Survey
9) Kaplan Discount
10) Reboot for Women
11) ASUC Positions
12) Depositions

November 17, 2021


1) Bravo Moot Court Team!
2) Pre-Law Menor Prog
3) BSA Peer Adv. Pos.
4) EPA Job Event
5) Volunteer w/Youth
6) Public Svc Award
7) GenEq Events
8) Perennial Journal
9) Berkeley Mutual Aid
10) Pub Svc Grants/Fllwshps

November 15, 2021

A research team including Catherine Albiston ’93 has been awarded a $750,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to help the San Francisco Unified School District create a new student assignment system.