
All News

February 8, 2023

Dear Berkeley Law Community,

It is with a very heavy heart that we are writing to share the sad news that our wonderful colleague, Laurie Edelman, passed away tonight.  Laurie had been seriously ill since late December, but had been doing better until recently.

February 6, 2023

January 24, 2023

January 20, 2023

Congratulations to JSP Student Bonnie Cherry who is a recipient of the Mike Synar Graduate Research Fellowship!

Each year, the Institute of Governmental Studies awards three Mike Synar Graduate Research Fellowships of $3,000 each. The Synar Fellowship is awarded to distinguished UC Berkeley graduate students who are writing their dissertations on an aspect of American politics, which may include comparative research across nations with the United States as a major case.

January 19, 2023

Congratulations to JSP Student Joel Sati who was offered and has accepted a tenure track position at the University of Oregon Law School!

Joel Sati will be an Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Oregon School of Law beginning Fall 2023. Sati will be teaching Criminal Law, Immigration Law, and Crimmigration among other courses.

January 18, 2023

1) Political Comp Sci Club
2) Cool Class
3) Open Breadths
4) LS 175 has lots of seats
5) Weil Legal Innovators Prog
6) Gardner Fllwshp
7) LS 190.1 Sp23
8) Johns Hopkins Law Rvw
9) Yamashita Prize
10) Fung Fellowship
11) Columbia Undrgrd Law Rvw
12) Pre-Law Events
13)  Ed Minor Info Sess
14)  UCD Abroad Opps.
15) Job @2240

January 9, 2023

January 4, 2023

Announcing the New LSR Editors!

December 14, 2022

December 9, 2022

1) P/NP Policy Fa22
2) P/NP Policy for Honors
3) Deadline for Late P/NP Changes Fa22
1) P/NP Policy Fa22
P/NP Policy Fa22
The following note is from the Associate Dean for Legal Studies that outlines the P/NP policy for the Legal Studies Major for Fall 2022.

December 1, 2022

1) Late Change Deadline
2) Career Forum 12/1 w/Alumni TONIGHT!!!
3) Berkeley Global Intrnshps
4) Creative Discovery Intrnshp Prog
5) BUILD Wkstdy Jobs
6) The Harper Review
1) Late Change Deadline
Late Change Deadline
This Friday December 2nd is the deadline to make a Late Change to your class schedule.

November 30, 2022

Many CONGRATULATIONS to Mario Barnes and Kaaryn Gustafson (UCI Law) - former LSA Trustees.  They were selected to be co-recipients of the 2023 American Bar Foundation Fellows Outstanding Scholar Award, which recognizes outstanding scholarship in Law and Society.    

Mario Barnes is a Berkeley Law graduate, and Kaaryn Gustafson is a JSP graduate. 

Well done Mario and Kaaryn on this well-deserved honor!

November 29, 2022

November 28, 2022

Please join us in congratulating former LSA President Kim Lane Scheppele who was recently named for a Collegiate Professorship at the University of Michigan. The chair will be known as the Kim Lane Scheppele Collegiate Professorship in Women’s and Gender Studies in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. The Chair is currently held by LSA member Anna Kirkland who nominated Kim to be the name for the Collegiate Professorship.

Prof. Scheppele described her selection as follows:

Congratulations to JSP Student Kyle DeLand for being a winner of the Kathryn T. Preyer award!

November 14, 2022

November 7, 2022

November 2, 2022

October 28, 2022

Congratulations to JSP Student Cristina Violante who recently published an article, "The Tempo of Water," coming out soon in the Journal of Palestine Studies, in a special issue on "Environment, Disease, Infrastructure"

October 27, 2022


1) BLSA Event Tonight!!! 10/27

2) P/NP Ddln 1028
3) 190.4 Sp23  2 units
4) 30 Upper Div Units
5) Core vs. Area
6) Legal Studies Website
7) Law Job
8) Creative Intrnshp
9) Critical Lang. $$
10) Moderator Job
11) $$ for Research
12) Stdy Abrd Info 
13) 5 Tips for L&S appts
14) Reproductive Justice Watch Party