Facilitating a DeCal

Facilitating a DeCal in the Legal Studies Department

Departmental Application Deadlines:

Fall semester:  April 1  
Spring semester:  November 1

Departmental contact: Erika Espinoza eespinoza@berkeley.edu

1) Attend a DeCal Start-up workshop through the SLC - Student Learning Center

2) Prepare a 14-week syllabus with course description, reading list, attendance and grading policy, etc.

3) Seek out a faculty supervisor and obtain the Faculty Sponsor Letter of Support (expand "Required Documents")

4) Complete the Course Proposal Form (expand "Required Documents")

5) Complete the Unit Value Worksheet(the 2nd page of the CPF Packet)

6)  Attach a completed departmental form - Legal Studies DeCal Application Form

7) Obtain the Faculty Sponsor Letter of Support (expand "Required Documents")

8)  Once you have all documents completed and signed by all facilitators and your faculty supervisor, please email all documents to the Legal Studies Scheduler, Erika Espinoza - eespinoza@berkeley.edu.

9)  The Legal Studies department will obtain the Legal Studies Department Chair signature on your ‘Legal Studies DeCal Course Application Form’, we will also submit the finalized packet to the Academic Senate for approval and schedule a room for your DeCal.

Academic Senate Information

Note: The Academic Senate deadlines come after the departmental deadline. The Academic Senate deadline date changes from semester to semester.

Note: The Legal Studies department will not accept late submissions.