In Fall 2022, undergraduates will have a unique opportunity to play the role of witnesses in a Berkeley Law JD Professional Skills Class (Depositions: Law 246.3), taught by Professor Henry Hecht.
Professor Hecht seeks six (6) students to serve as role-playing witnesses. Students selected will be expected to prepare in advance by reading a witness statement and a limited amount of background material.
Professor Hecht's Depositions course is a lawyering skills course, in which Berkeley Law students, working in small groups, simulate the process of preparing witnesses for their depositions and then taking as well as defending their depositions. Practicing Bay Area lawyers attend these sessions, observe the law students in action, and critique their performances. (Note: A deposition is a pre-trial legal procedure in which witnesses in a civil lawsuit answer questions by the opposing parties under oath, typically in a law office rather than a courtroom.)
Playing the role of a witness will allow you to gain insight into the US system of civil litigation and to see it in operation. In addition, it will provide you with a chance to meet and talk with Berkeley Law students and Bay Area attorneys.
To Apply:
Please apply by e-mail to Professor Hecht at hhecht@law.berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail), with a copy of your message to Monique Sanchez, his Faculty Support Assistant, at msanchez@law.berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail), by no later than Wednesday, September 7, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. Please include the words “Application to be a Witness” and your last name in the subject line of your e-mail. In your cover message, please include a brief statement about why you are interested in taking part in this class; and attach your resume.
Students' applications will be reviewed by Professor Hecht, and he will notify students of his decisions by no later than Friday, September 9, at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time.
OPTION: Earn 1 Unit of LS 199 Course Credit for Supervised Independent Research with Professor Perry
Students who choose this OPTION have the opportunity to earn one unit of LS 199 P/NP course credit for their service as a witness in Professor Hecht’s Depositions class under the supervision of Professor Perry.
Requirements for LS 199 credit:
i. Attend all six (6) class role playing sessions, and prepare for the role plays;
ii. Take notes on what you did and what you observed, preferably in a small note pad, organized by the date of the session; and submit the raw, handwritten pages along with your final paper;
iii. Read materials, posted on bCourses, on participant observation methods; and consider how those method(s) apply to your own experience;
iv. Read two chapters, posted on bCourses, from Robert Kagan’s Adversarial Legalism: The American Way of Law, focusing especially on Chapter 6, which mentions depositions;
v. Papers will be graded on a P/NP basis by Professor Perry.
If you want to pursue this option, specify that in your cover message to Professor Hecht when you apply; and he will let Professor Perry know.
(NOTE: this is the only one that doesn't have seats available: 190.1: Fundamental Rights under the Constitution, Alan Pomerantz, 4 units, Area IV)
190.2: Comparative Constitutional Law, Shapiro, 4 units, Area V
An examination of constitutional decision making in a number of countries based on selected high court opinions.
190.4: Gender, Religion and Law, Masua Sagiv: The Case of Isreal, 4 units, Area II or IV
The course will explore the intersection of gender, religion, and law in Israel, as manifested in social movement activism through law and society. The course will illustrate and reflect upon different strategies and spheres for promoting social change, by examining core issues involving gender, religion and law in Israel: religious marriage and divorce, gender equality in the religious establishment, spiritual leadership of women, free exercise of religion (at the Western Wall and Temple Mount), conversion, and segregation in education. Spheres of activism to be covered include parliament, state courts, alternative private initiatives and courts, and social media.
190.5: Human Rts & Civil Rights Israel, Michal Tamir, 4 units, Area II or IV
Human rights in Israel have evolved in a unique way. Since the establishment of the State, the Supreme Court recognized and developed the rights through the interpretation of laws. For example, when the Supreme Court was required to rule on the authority of the Minister of the Interior to close a newspaper by virtue of a so-called “Press Ordinance,” it developed the freedom of expression and the conditions for its violation. All rights have evolved as relative rights that can be balanced with other rights and interests, and an explicit statute could have infringed upon them. In 1992, Israel underwent a “constitutional revolution” with the enactment of two Basic Laws focusing on protecting human rights. Some of the human rights are enshrined explicitly in the Basic Laws and other rights were interpreted by the Supreme Court as arising from “human dignity.” Today an explicit law cannot infringe upon rights and it is necessary that it also meet the requirements of the Basic Laws.
190.7: Law and Natural Language Processing, Ilya Akdemir, 3 units, Area V
We interact with law all the time, whether we realize it or not. And much of what is considered law is also mediated via text, from legislative enactments and judicial opinions, to even such seemingly trivial things as receipts in stores and “STOP” signs on the road. “Law” and “text” are inherently
interlinked. One can probably imagine that legal text data is abundant. And indeed, at this moment in time, the seeming plethora of legal text data invites computer scientists, data scientists, and natural language processing practitioners (NLP) to explore such a textually rich domain with the help of the
newly developed NLP tools and models. On the other hand, the monumental successes in the realm of NLP and text analytics are in turn inviting researchers from the legal and other domains to use these novel NLP tools in their own research. Thus, at this critical juncture, an examination the NLP
tools in light of the unique domain-specific aspects of legal text data and law as a discipline generally must be made.
The course will focus on practical text analysis and NLP as it applies to the legal domain. It is intended to be an intermediary bridge between practical textual analytic techniques explored in courses like Data 100 and LS 123, and more advanced NLP techniques covered in courses like INFO 159/259.
Students will be required to utilize Python programming skills to examine legal text data. The “law” part of the course indents to critically examine what makes legal text data fundamentally distinct from text data in other domains. The “NLP” part of the course will explore the various NLP techniques and the costs and benefits of using these NLP techniques in legal text analytic research. The NLP track will approach two primary approaches – (1) the still widely utilized classical non-machine learning methods (eg: discrete word frequency statistics, dictionary methods, concordances, etc.), and (2) machine learning and deep learning methods (such as word embeddings, text classification etc.).
This course will focus on understanding the philosophical and political thought of Thomas Hobbes within the context of his larger intellectual enterprise. After studying Hobbes’s “Elements of Philosophy” [Elementa philosophiae] project, we will turn to Hobbes’s account of the human being and his science of politics as presented in his Elements of Law, De cive, and Leviathan.
- Cal-only events during Getting Your Bearings on September 6-8 from 5:45-7/7:30pm. This includes an applicant information session, mock class, and student life panel/tours, in that order. Two flyers are attached (one for web and one for print) in case you want to share this in your offices or include it in any emails.
- Four in-person tours and info sessions at the law school on September 9 and 30, October 21, and November 18. These will include a tour from 3:30-4:30pm and an info session from 4:30-5:30pm. Registration information is on our website
- Law Admissions Dean's Panel with representatives from Berkeley, Duke, UC Irvine, USC Gould, and most likely Northwestern, on October 25 from 6-7:30pm at the law school. Registration info and a flyer are forthcoming.
- Drop-in advising several times a month (dates/times on our website)
- Class observations 2-3x a week
- West Coast Consortium San Francisco Law School Fair on September 17 where candidates can meet several law schools at once
- Individual appointments and office hours
- Upcoming Zoom info sessions and a library of previously recorded webinars
- The ability to email Admissions Ambassadors (current Berkeley Law students) starting in late September
- Digital LSAC Forums where candidates can chat with us live on Slack
Schlrshps for Grad Schl
Schwarzman Scholars (2023–2024)
Application deadline: September 20, 2022
Prospective applicants should make an individual advising appointment with Keila Diehl (ourschol-coordinator@berkeley.edu)
The Schwarzman Scholars Program supports up to 200 Scholars annually from the U.S., China, and around the world for a one-year M.A. in Global Affairs at Beijing’s Tsinghua University. The curriculum bridges the academic and professional worlds to educate students about leadership and about China’s expanding role in the world. The residential program also provides Scholars with learning opportunities with leaders from China and the world through high-level interactions at lectures, an internship program, a mentor network, and intensive deep-dive travel seminars. Each cohort of Schwarzman Scholars will join a global network of the young leaders who are helping to build stronger links between China and a rapidly changing world. For more information, please visit the Schwarzman Scholars Program website.
* * *
Gates Cambridge Scholarship (2023–2024)
Application deadline: October 12, 2022
Prospective applicants should make an individual advising appointment with Alicia Hayes (ourscholarships@berkeley.edu)
Each year Gates Cambridge offers ~80 full scholarships to outstanding applicants from countries outside the U.K. to pursue a full-time postgraduate degree in any subject available at the University of Cambridge, especially programs leading to an academic career. Approximately two-thirds of these awards will be offered to PhD students, with approximately 25 awards available in the U.S. round and 55 available in the International round. The Gates Cambridge mission is to build a global network of future leaders committed to improving the lives of others. For more information, please visit the Gates Cambridge Scholarship website.
* * *
Knight-Hennessy Scholars (2023–2024)
Application deadline: October 12, 2022
Prospective applicants should make an individual advising appointment with Keila Diehl (ourschol-coordinator@berkeley.edu)
The Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program is designed to build a multidisciplinary community of Stanford graduate students. The program, which financially supports up to three years of graduate study at Stanford, annually selects a group of 100 high-achieving students from around the world with demonstrated leadership and civic commitment. Knight-Hennessy Scholars develop both the depth and range of subject expertise to confront the numerous grand challenges and opportunities of the future and make up a unique community of change agents from a diverse range of backgrounds.
For more information, please visit the Knight-Hennessy Scholars website.
The Roosevelt Network at Berkeley (RNB), Cal’s very own student-led, interdisciplinary policy think tank, is recruiting research associates for its Fall 2022 Policy Initiatives. Policy Initiatives are student-led teams of 5-7 research associates that work on a specific topic for the duration of one semester. Detailed descriptions of this fall’s five policy topics can be found here.
The application can be accessed here and closes on August 30th.
The goal of the Policy Initiative is to produce an evidence-based memo covering the policy topic. Part of the group’s work will be identifying and approaching publication venues. Research associates will be in charge of conducting a literature review, identifying, evaluating, and analyzing current policies, and finding supporting evidence and interviews as a part of writing the memo. Guidance and training is provided for all tasks.
The final artifact serves to act as a portfolio piece for the group as a whole, and all participants meeting expectations will be listed as co-authors. Time commitment is roughly 3 hours per week with more or less each week depending on tasking and participant interest.
Prior experience in the subject matter, research experience, and/or policy experience is not required to apply as the experience is intended to be educational - yet will make applicants interested in serving as the Initiative Lead more competitive.
Please refer to the application link for further information and email RooseveltnBerkeley@Gmail.com with any inquiries!
Looking for a meaningful job? Work for a cleaner, greener future!
We’re looking for passionate and talented people like you to join our team. Apply now.
Recent grad? We're hiring for positions starting NOW for recent graduates!
Incoming senior? We're hiring for the Fall 2023 class of Campus Organizers!
Help us work on campaigns like taking on the Climate Crisis. We're working to Move the Country to 100% Clean Energy.From Florida to Oregon, to over 50 colleges, we’re taking local action. There is momentum! Ten states and more campuses have made commitments to 100% Clean Electricity. Now, we’re hiring organizers to help mobilize your community to be next! Learn More.
Kaplan Prep events for August and September are listed below, and more are available through November. Students can register by following the registration link: www.kaptest.com/lsat/free/lsat-free-events
Monday, August 29
8:00 pm ET
How to REALLY Research Law Schools
Researching law schools is more than just visiting the school websites. There’s a lot more real information and data available if you know where to look. Learn secrets about law school rankings, disclosure reports, and more.
Wednesday, September 14
9:00 pm ET
An Honest Look: Is Self-Prep or an LSAT Course Right for Me?
How do you learn and retain information best? Learn the pros and cons of both self-prep and comprehensive LSAT courses to help decide which is best for you. Our experts will go over options in time for you to prepare for the October or November LSAT exam dates.
Tuesday, September 27
8:30 pm ET
The Biggest Mistakes in Law School Applications
Set yourself up for success from the start. Learn the do’s and don’ts of law school admissions. We will review admissions timelines and admissions statistics to help navigate the entire process. Join our expert in this session to get ahead of your application competition.
11) Poli Sci 191.3
Poli Sci 191.3
Berkeley Study Abroad Sticker Design Competition
Show off your design skills and compete for a chance to have your work printed and distributed as a sticker to thousands of students. Create a sticker that captures the spirit of study abroad and your design could be chosen.
The contest is open to all UC Berkeley students, regardless if you have studied abroad or not.
Design details:
The sticker will be a 3”x3” live area circle and will be in full color. The only requirements are that your design includes “Berkeley Study Abroad” and “studyabroad.berkeley.edu”.
Submission details:
Submit your sticker design(s) via this Google form by 11:50pm PDT on September 14.
For full details on design specs, submitting your design, how judging will work, visit the contest listing on our website.
Become a BUILD Reading Mentor!
Earn work study or field units by helping K-5th graders grow their reading skills! BUILD mentors work in teams at 18 East Bay elementary after school programs to support struggling readers. If you do not have Work Study, you cannot be paid but can mentor for units or as a volunteer. Average time commitment is 5-10 hours/week in the afternoons.
Apply by: September 2nd for priority placement at http://publicservice.berkeley.edu/programs/build
Pay: $16.99/hour in Work Study
Info Session: Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURF): Getting your Bearings
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Info Session: Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarships: Getting your Bearings
Information Session | August 24 | 11 a.m.-12 p.m. | ZOOM: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/5503224396
Getting started in undergraduate research: finding resources, opportunities, and faculty mentors
Workshop: Workshops | August 24 | 11 a.m.-12 p.m. | Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vdeupqDIoGtCbCpHTWlDcsWyPd2vZCW5b
Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program Info Session
Information Session | August 24 | 12-1 p.m. | zoom: see urap.berkeley.edu/#info-sessions for link
Thursday, August 25, 2022
URAP Peer Advisor Info Session:: The URAP Experience
Information Session | August 25 | 12-1 p.m. | Zoom,see urap.berkeley.edu/#info-sessions for link
UCDC--Spend a semester in Washington DC: Spring 2023 application deadline September 16
Information Session | August 25 | 1-2 p.m. | 9 Durant Hall|
Friday, August 26, 2022
Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program Info Session
Information Session | August 26 | 9:30-10:30 a.m. | zoom: see urap.berkeley.edu/#info-sessions
How to email a professor to get a positive response
Workshop: Workshops | August 26 | 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. | Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIucO6pqT0vEtfFaqOcPCZhNo5f5L6nsSK3
URAP Peer Advisor Info Session:: The URAP Experience
Information Session | August 26 | 4-5 p.m. | Zoom, see urap.berkeley.edu/#info-sessions for link
Monday, August 29, 2022
Info Session: Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURF): Getting your Bearings
Information Session | August 29 | 2-3 p.m. | ZOOM: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/5503224396
Tuesday, August 30, 2022
Getting started in undergraduate research: finding resources, opportunities, and faculty mentors
Workshop: Workshops | August 30 | 4-5 p.m. | Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMtcumgqTgqEtPKZyxTfPYrRtJIJL5vcbpJ
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
UCDC--Spend a semester in Washington DC: Spring 2023 application deadline September 16
Information Session | August 31 | 10-11 a.m. | Online via Zoom at https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/5492740547
How to email a professor to get a positive response
Workshop: Workshops | August 31 | 3-4 p.m. | Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJArcOqtqzopGdZ1m3GXEMVZZR7DXTpDZAv2
Thursday, September 1, 2022
Info Session: Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarships: Getting your Bearings
Information Session | September 1 | 12-1 p.m. | ZOOM: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/5503224396
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
Info Session: Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarships: Getting your Bearings
Information Session | September 6 | 2-3 p.m. | ZOOM: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/5503224396
UCDC--Spend a semester in Washington DC: Spring 2023 application deadline September 16
Information Session | September 6 | 3-4 p.m. | 9 Durant Hall
How to email a professor to get a positive response
Workshop: Workshops | September 6 | 4-5 p.m. | Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0pde2vqTMoGtB4BXRqzTqjKWDPMjU7QKEo
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
Getting started in undergraduate research: finding resources, opportunities, and faculty mentors
Workshop: Workshops | September 7 | 5-6 p.m. | Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwscu6hqjsjGdLpB3SuwXwMDvw6YbEL2mXw
Friday, September 9, 2022
UCDC--Spend a semester in Washington DC: Spring 2023 application deadline September 16
Information Session | September 9 | 11 a.m.-12 p.m. | Online via Zoom at https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/5492740547
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Getting started in undergraduate research: finding resources, opportunities, and faculty mentors
Workshop: Workshops | September 13 | 5-6 p.m. | Zoom: https://berkeley.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMud-2gqjooGNIOwx91A_W-CinC75E9nsq5
Thursday, September 15, 2022
Writing a proposal for students with topics
Workshop: Workshops | September 15 | 3:30-5 p.m. | Zoom:https://berkeley.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwucOiuqzguHtFMndgcI1zz3_n7VGG-PJz_
Want to be on top of all the deadlines and resources offered? Sign up for the Undergraduate Research Newsletter here.
The Student Advocate’s Office (SAO) is a free and confidential resource students can reach out to when experiencing issues with the university. We support students navigating academic, grievance, conduct, and financial aid issues. If you are passionate about advocacy and want to make a tangible impact on students here at Cal, please consider joining our office!
Caseworkers will have the option to receive stipends in Fall 2022, and we are working to secure funds for future semesters.
If you are interested in applying, please go to advocate.berkeley.edu/apply. If you have any questions about our recruitment process, please contact us at recruit@berkeleysao.org and check out our social media accounts for more information (ig @berkeleysao ; fb @ASUC Student Advocate’s Office). To stay up to date with our recruitment process, fill out https://bit.ly/saofall22interestform)
And if you, or anyone you know, ever has any issues regarding the University, or wants help being connected to the right campus resources, please don't hesitate to contact us at help@berkeleysao.org or explore our website.
Drop in hours will be offered virtually on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3-4pm between August 22 - September 27.
Drop ins will not be offered on the following dates due to holidays or pre-law workshop offerings:
Monday, Sept 5
Monday, Sept 12
Tuesday, Sept 20
Zoom Information:
Meeting ID: 929 0116 5275
Passcode: 122992
All events are in person unless otherwise indicated. Location details on Handshake.
Crafting a Strong Narrative for Your Personal Statement Workshop w/ University of Michigan Law School (Co-hosted with L&S Advising)
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 from 3-4pm Crafting a Strong Narrative for Law School: Presented with Harvard Law School
Tuesday, September 27, 2022 from 12-1:30pm
Virtual - Wednesday, October 19, 2022 from 1-4pm
Don't miss this opportunity to meet with representatives from nearly 30 Law Schools and more than 60 Graduate / Professional Schools. Gain a real advantage in the application process by getting to know admissions representatives. Learn about application procedures, prerequisites and what makes an applicant successful. Find out where graduates from their programs get jobs.
Early Pre-Law Planning for 1st + 2nd Year Students w/ Berkeley Law (Co-hosted with L&S Advising)
Tuesday, October 18, 2022 from 3-4pm
A Conversation with Dean Ingber from Yale Law (co-hosted with ASUC Senator Grottel-Brown)
Monday, October 24 from 3-4pm
Career Center Gold Room
Fall 2022 Legal Studies deCals - contact student facilitators for more information.
LS 198.1 - Criminal Psychology Decal1 Unit | SOCS126 Mon 6:30PM-7:59 PM
Student facilitators: Claire Sebree, Delaney Degner - clairesebree@berkeley.edu, delaneydegner@berkeley.edu
LS 198.2 - British Parliamentary Debate deCal# 23400 | 1 Unit | WHLR204 Wed 6:30PM-8:29PMStudent facilitators: Diane Chao, Jennifer Yang, Karen Chen - dianechao@berkeley.edu, jenn.yang@berkeley.edu, karen-chen@berkeley.edu
LS 198.3 - Pre-Law deCal# 23401 | 1 Unit | 9Lewis Fri 12:00PM-2:00PMStudent facilitator: Alice Lin - alicelin@berkeley.edu
LS 198.4 - Copwatch deCal# 23402 | 2 Units | 2032VLSB Mon 5p-6:30pStudent facilitator: Shellie Wharton - shelliewharton@berkeley.edu
Located in the heart of San Francisco a solo attorney is looking for a motivated and ambitious intern to help the office as a legal writer to perform legal research, drafting complaints, pleadings and motions in personal injury cases.
This is a great opportunity to get hands-on legal experience before starting own legal business.
Please email the following information if you are interested:
1. CV
2. Writing sample