
All News

January 11, 2021


1) Capital Fellows
2) Depositions
4) Global Intrnshps
5) Berkeley Su Abroad
6) Rsrch Wkshps & Info Sessions


1) Capital Fellows

Capital Fellows

Capital Fellows Programs, which consist of the following four fellowships:

·         Jesse M. Unruh Assembly Fellowship Program

·         Executive Fellowship Program

·         Judicial Fellowship Program

·         California Senate Fellows Program

December 3, 2020


1) Change Grd Op Ddlne
2) Late Drop Ddln
3) Israel Courses
4) Free Speech Wkshp
5) Berkeley Law Events
6) MENAS Pre-Law Assoc.
7) Big Ideas Courses
8) Discovery Courses
9) UC Cntr Sac
10) New Data 94 class
11) RBSI Su21
12) Tutoring Job
13) Vol for Stanford Law
14) Fellowship
15) Stronarch Prize
16) Research Info
17) CA Legal Studies Jrnl
18) Su21 LS Courses


1) Change Grd Option

Change Grd Option

November 5, 2020


Dear Legal Studies Majors,
You should be receiving a message from the College of Letters & Science this afternoon regarding P/NP policy for Fa20 and Sp21.

The following contains the Legal Studies P/NP policy for Fa20 and Sp21 with an added bonus of advice.

October 22, 2020

September 28, 2020

September 14, 2020

August 31, 2020


1) Fri 9/4 Drop W/out Fee
2) Kappa Alpha Pi 8/31
3) Depositions!
4) Calapalooza
5) Perennial Jrnl
6) IIS Fllwshp
7) Berkeley Law Open House
8) On The Same Page
9) Canadian Studies Prog.
10) STEP
11) Intrnshp
12) Blueprint Job
13) CalTeach
14) BIJLIS Events/Progs/Fllwshps
15) Virtual Intrvws
16) CaHPSA
17) IGS Programs
18) UCDC Remote Prog
19) Pre-Law Event Fri 9/4
20) Eleven Journal Positions


1) Fri 9/4 Drop W/out Fee

Fri 9/4 Drop W/out Fee

August 2, 2020


The deadline for #2 is tomorrow!

1) Intrnshp
2) NavCal Deadline 8/3
3) New ‘Section’ of LS 160 open
4) Depositions
5) LS 190.4
6) LS 190.3
7) Poli Sci Course Open
8) UC Sac. Ctr. Intrnshps
9) SLC Writing Help
10) L&S is Hiring
11) Big Ideas Courses Fa20
12) Housing Justice
13) Career Growth Mindset
14) Ace Video Intrvw
15) Going Global Webinar
16) Remote Job Sites


1) Intrnshp


June 30, 2020