1) Transfr Courses Fa21
2) Grow Your Profesh Ntwrk
3) Job Search Help
4) Immgrtn Law Job
5) Violence Against Women Mtg
6) Pub Pol 160AC
7) Cultural Peer Mentor Position
8) Depositions
1) Transfr Courses Fa21
Transfr Courses Fa21
This Fall 2021, the Transfer Student Center is offering fifteen sections of L&S 198: An Introduction to the Research University for Transfers. This 1 unit, pass/not pass transition course is a great introduction to student life, academic expectations, enrichment opportunities, and campus resources. The course addresses the unique experience and perspective transfer students bring as they prepare to launch into upper-division coursework. One key goal of this course is to provide transfer students with the support and information they will need to thrive at Cal.
You can find more information regarding our courses and services below or by visiting our website at transfers.berkeley.edu/transitioncourses
Highly recommended by transfer students who have come before ;)
2) Grow Your Profesh Ntwrk
Grow Your Profesh Ntwrk
Growing -> Maintaining -> Leveraging Your Professional Network
Thu, Jul 1 4:30 pm PDT – 5:30 pm PDT
3) Job Search Help
Job Search Help
Life After Cal: The Job Search + World of Work
Wed, Jun 23 5:00 pm PDT – 6:00 pm PDT
4) Immgrtn Law Job
Immgrtn Law Job
Hello everyone! I am a Berkeley alum and I work at GW Law Group, an immigration law firm in the heart of Oakland. We are looking for qualified people to join our team! We are looking for someone who can commit at least 16-20 hours per week for part-time with the possibility of a full-time position at the end of the 90-day probationary period. Applicants MUST be fluent in Spanish, no exceptions. Applicant’s must be in their Senior year at Cal with a graduation in Summer 2021 or have recently graduated.
We do anything from deportation defense to all sorts of visas, asylums, inadmissibility waivers etc. A lot of what we do intersects with other types of law such as criminal defense, family law, and probate law. You would work closely with the attorneys and are responsible for cases from start to finish. We write motions for court, translate documents, prepare clients for their hearings, prepare necessary paperwork, do extensive legal research, and work directly with the clients. It’s a small boutique firm so we really do get a lot of hands-on experience.
Prior legal/ law firm experience is not necessary, but you must have a passion for learning and an interest in law. We are looking for people who are fluent in Spanish, have excellent writing skills, and can advocate for others, however anyone is welcome to apply. If you or someone you know is interested, send me your resume and transcripts to dlopez@gwlawgroupattorneys.com.
David A. Lopez
Senior Paralegal
GW Law Group
5) Violence Against Women Mtg
Violence Against Women Mtg
A little over a year ago, many countries experienced the severity of the COVID-19 virus
when the World Health Organisation announced the outbreak as a global pandemic. The virus itself does not biologically discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. However, systemic racism and sexism, and other institutional and societal structures in today’s world cause an uneven distribution of the burdens of its repercussions across racial, ethnic, gender and socio-economic classes. This can be seen during economic crises, the climate crisis, as well as the current health crisis. As a result, those who are generally already worse off experience greater losses and are faced with more severe hardship than those who are privileged. What becomes clear is that crises tend to exacerbate inequalities and social injustice.
The Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law working
group on COVID-19 and Global Inequality represents a collective concern of researchers,
activists, educators, and practitioners across the globe in the field of law and healthcare on the impacts of COVID-19 on equality. This initiative organises conferences and online courses in collaboration with universities from different countries. Within the theme of gender, this working group is partnering with Utrecht University to host a webinar series on Violence Against Women. In light of the pandemic, basic human rights specifically for women have been put under pressure, in issue areas such as access to health care, reproductive care, and the increased risk of domestic violence and abuse. This is why this webinar series aims to increase awareness and stimulate debate on this topic.
June 25th – Femicide, domestic violence, rapeTime: Friday 8.00h (PDT time), 11.00h (EDT time), 17.00h (CEST time).
Location: Zoom
Link: https://tinyurl.com/webinarvaw2
Meeting ID: 985 8100 9111
Passcode: vaw2021
The webinar will focus on the nature and the scope of the problems regarding femicide, domestic violence and rape, and on effective ways and means to tackle it. What can we learn from different approaches from different regions in the world to combat femicide, domestic violence and rape?
Dr. Lorena Sosa 1 : “The criminalisation of domestic violence, rape and femicide acrossEuropean States: preliminary findings”
Dr. Lorena Sosa is senior lecturer in international law and human rights at Utrecht
University, the Netherlands. Her research explores the inclusiveness of international human rights law in relation to gender, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC), in two realms: violence, and equality and non-
discrimination. Together with Sara de Vido, Lorena is currently carrying out a comparative study on the criminalisation of all forms of gender based across EU member states for the European Equality Law Network.
Prof. Rosa Celorio 2 : “Violence against Women in the Americas: Human Rights Standards and Challenges”Rosa Celorio currently works as the Burnett Family Associate Dean and Lecturer for
International and Comparative Legal Studies at George Washington University Law School in Washington, DC. In this capacity, she directs the International and Comparative Law program at GW Law School; teaches courses related to the human rights of women, the regional protection of human rights, and the US legal system; and publishes scholarship in these areas. Previously, she worked for more than a decade as Senior Attorney for the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), one of the main organs of the regional human rights protection system for the Americas, where she held several leadership positions, including the supervision of all the legal work performed by the specialized Rapporteurships on women, LGBTI persons, indigenous peoples, racial discrimination, and children. She has also acted as an advisor and consultant for several United Nations agencies and mechanisms. Among her recent activities, Dean Celorio is currently serving as the International Dispute Human Rights Resolution Authority between the Maya Indigenous Peoples and the government of Belize; as a Senior Advisor to the CEDAW Committee on their new General Recommendation on Indigenous Women and Girls; and as a Legal Advisor for gender cases before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. She also serves as the Chair for the Membership and New Generation Initiative of the American Society of International Law; as a Board Member of the Washington Foreign Law Society; and as a Board Member for the George Washington University International Law Review. She is from Puerto Rico.
Moderator: Linda Senden
Bio: Prof. mr. Linda Senden is a professor of European Union Law at the University of Utrecht. Additionally, she is the coordinator of the gender stream of the European Commission’s Equality Law Network 3 . And finally, she is co-director of the Utrecht University Gender and Diversity Hub 4 .
Upcoming webinar:
Women’s health and sexual and reproductive rights and abortion
6) Pub Pol 160AC
Pub Pol 160AC
***NOTE: This course does not count towards the Legal Studies major. ***
Open for Enrollment: Public Policy 160AC: Work, Justice, and the Labor Movement
Course Description: Public Policy 160AC: Work, Justice, and the Labor Movement, gives an interdisciplinary overview of the labor movement and its role in social and economic justice. Accompanying this course will be a one-unit practicum in Labor Research for Action and Policy (Labor-RAP), recently included in the Berkeley Changemaker ™ suite, which will provide the opportunity for students to learn applied research skills to advance the interests of California’s working families.
Course #: 29243
Time: M/W/F 11 AM-12 PM
Location: 101 Moffit
7) Cultural Peer Mentor Position
Cultural Peer Mentor Position
What’s your intercultural superpower? Become a Cultural Peer Mentor and find out!
Being a Cultural Peer Mentor is a fun and unique leadership opportunity for Cal students to meet visiting international students! Each semester, the Berkeley International Study Program (BISP) welcomes international students from around the globe who come to study at UC Berkeley for 1-2 semesters, and the Cultural Peer Mentors are instrumental in assisting them with their transition and integration to campus. https://bisp.berkeley.edu/cpm
Intercultural, interpersonal, and event planning skills are desirable for this one year volunteer position.
The link to apply online is listed below & attached is a flyer. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Best, Rachel Marquez
BISP Program Advisor
What’s your intercultural superpower? Become a Cultural Peer Mentor & find out!
Are you interested in making new friends from various countries?
Are you eager to learn about different cultures and languages?
Do you want to enhance your leadership, event planning, and intercultural skills?
Who Are We?
The Cultural Peer Mentors (CPMs) are Cal undergraduates who provide guidance, resources, and support to international students in BISP. We are here to assist international students to make a successful cultural and academic transition to UC Berkeley.
The mission of the Cultural Peer Mentors is to bring together students from diverse backgrounds to foster cross-cultural exchange, understanding, and friendship for a more personalized and globally connected college experience.
In this program, you will:
- Meet friends from diverse backgrounds and life experiences.
- Share your passions and interests with BISP students by planning events for your own group of mentees.
- Become an ambassador to visiting international students and show them what life in the U.S. is truly like, beyond what they see in the media.
- Work with a dynamic team of Cultural Peer Mentors to develop your leadership, event planning, and intercultural skills!
- Current undergraduate student status at UC Berkeley with at least one academic year of study remaining.
- Leadership skills & willingness to take the initiative, as well as the ability to work as part of a team.
- Empathy and ability to interact effectively & patiently with people from diverse cultural backgrounds & different levels of English proficiency to create a culture of belonging.
- Plan at least 3 activities per semester for a group of mentees with your co-leader.
- Assist in planning and execution of 2-3 program-wide events per semester for the mentees.
*This is a year-long volunteer position with an event-planning budget.*
If you are interested in becoming a Cultural Peer Mentor, please complete the online application here: tinyurl.com/CPMAPP2021 Interviews will be held via Zoom throughout the summer.
Application & interview period: June 21 – July 19
Final interview date: July 21
Decisions emailed: End of July
Feel free to contact me via email (bisp@berkeley.edu) if you have any questions. Please include “CPM” in the subject line.
8) Depositions
Legal Studies Fall 2021 Announcement: An Opportunity for Undergraduates to Participate in a Berkeley Law JD Skills Class with the OPTION of earning 1 unit of LS 199 Individual Research Credit
In Fall 2021, undergraduates will have a unique opportunity to play the role of witnesses in a Berkeley Law JD Professional Skills Class (Depositions: Law 246.3), taught by Professor Henry Hecht.
Professor Hecht seeks six (6) students to serve as role-playing witnesses. Students selected will be expected to prepare in advance by reading a witness statement and a very limited amount of background material. Witnesses will then be expected to participate during the semester in six (6) Tuesday afternoon classes from 3:35 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., on September 14, September 21, October 12, October 19, November 9, and November 16. During those classes, you will play the role of a witness for either the plaintiff or the defendant in a mock case. Students selected must be able to commit to attending all six (6) Tuesday afternoon classes.
Professor Hecht’s Depositions course is a lawyering skills course, in which Berkeley Law students, working in small groups, simulate the process of preparing witnesses for their depositions and then taking as well as defending their depositions. Practicing Bay Area lawyers attend these sessions, observe the law students in action, and critique their performances. (Note: A deposition is a pre-trial legal procedure in which witnesses in a civil lawsuit answer questions by the opposing parties under oath, typically in a law office rather than a courtroom. During the pandemic, depositions were conducted remotely via Zoom.)
Playing the role of a witness will allow you to gain insight into the US system of civil litigation and to see it in operation. In addition, it will provide you with a chance to meet and talk with Berkeley Law students and Bay Area attorneys. Finally, witnesses will earn a $50.00 Amazon gift card for their service.
To Apply:
Please apply by e-mail to Professor Hecht at hhecht@law.berkeley.edu, by no later than Wednesday, September 1, at 5:00 p.m. Please include the words “Application to be a Witness” and your last name in the subject line of your e-mail. In your cover message, please include a brief statement about why you are interested in taking part in this class; and attach your resume.
Students’ applications will be reviewed by Professor Hecht, and he will notify students of his decisions by no later than Friday, September 3, at 5:00 p.m.
OPTION: Earn 1 Unit of LS 199 Course Credit for Supervised Independent Research with Professor Perry
Students who choose this OPTION have the opportunity to earn one unit of LS 199 P/NP course credit for their service as a witness in Professor Hecht’s Depositions class under the supervisor of Professor Perry. In order to earn this supervised independent research credit, students will be required to do some additional readings on the civil litigation process and on the participant observation method, which are described below. At the end of the semester, students selecting this option must submit a paper of at least ten pages in length, exclusive of notes and bibliography. The requirements for the LS 199 course credit, offered by Professor Perry, are described below.
Requirements for LS 199 credit:
- Attend all six (6) class role playing sessions, and prepare for the role plays;
- Take notes on what you did and what you observed, preferably in a small note pad, organized by the date of the session; and submit the raw, handwritten pages along with your final paper;
- Read materials, posted on bCourses, on participant observation methods; and consider how those method(s) apply to your own experience;
- Read two chapters, posted on bCourses, from Robert Kagan’s Adversarial Legalism: The American Way of Law, focusing especially on Chapter 6, which mentions depositions;
- Papers will be graded on a P/NP basis by Professor Perry.
If you want to pursue this option, specify that in your cover message to Professor Hecht when you apply; and he will let Professor Perry know.