2) Delta Phi Epsilon
3) Tarana Burke Th 2/4
4) GenEq Welcome Event
5) The Vanguard
6) RJ/TJ Taskforce
7) Su Abrd Progs Virtual
8) Glbl Entrepreneurshp Prog
9) Su Study Abrd $$$
10) Berkeley Su Abrd
11) Commencement 2021
12) Depositions 2/5
My name is Snigdha and I’m an admin of Splash at Berkeley, a student organization that brings 500+ high school students to Berkeley’s campus for a day of unlimited learning through classes taught by Berkeley students!
Berkeley students who register to teach on the day of Splash can teach any subject of their choice—from an introduction to their major to teaching board game strategies.
Due to the Spring 2021 Semester being remote, Splash at Berkeley will be held online via Zoom on Saturday, March 13th 2021.
Instill your passion about any subject to high schoolers around the Bay Area! Splash is a student organization that brings over 400 high school students to Berkeley’s campus for a day of unlimited learning through classes taught by Berkeley students (YOU)! This year, Splash will be online via Zoom on Saturday, March 13 2021.
Splash is a low-commitment, high impact educational outreach opportunity that also gives you agency on your course. You choose the topic, how many students can enroll in your class, and how many sessions you teach throughout the day. If you would like to teach with others, you can also have co-facilitator(s) in a course.
If you or your friend(s) are interested in teaching a course to high school students, sign up to register as a teacher here.
The tentative deadline to sign up to teach a class is February 13th 2021.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at splash.berkeley@gmail.com.
2) Delta Phi Epsilon
Delta Phi Epsilon
My name is Judy Blancaflor and I am outreach chair for Delta Phi Epsilon, Berkeley’s Professional Co-ed International Relations and Foreign Service Fraternity. We are seeking interested students. With the semester being online, joining a professional fraternity is a great opportunity to connect with other students who are passionate about international affairs. Among the many benefits, students will connect with alumni across the globe and grow valuable leadership and professional experience.
- Professional Night – 2/2 from 6-8 pm PST https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/7018012460
- Global Game Night – 2/4 from 6-8 pm PST https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/7018012460
Application due 2/5: http://tinyurl.com/dpeapply
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email us at berkeleydpe@gmail.com!
Thank you!
Website | Facebook | Instagram
Judy Blancaflor
Delta Phi Epsilon- Outreach Chair
3) Tarana Burke Th 2/4
Tarana Burke Th 2/4
Please join us this Thursday, Feb 4, 2021 at 4pm for an exciting event with ‘me too.’ Movement Founder Tarana Burke! Register today at https://tinyurl.com/UCTarana to access this free Zoom webinar!
4) GenEq Welcome Event
GenEq Welcome Event
Get involved by becoming a Queer Cal Pals Buddy today. Apply at https://tinyurl.com/QCP2021 by until Feb 9, 2021!
Please save the date Friday, Feb 12, 2021 for QTPie: QTPie: Queer Trans Welcome Event!
Please follow us on social media:
- Instagram @UCBGenEq(link is external)
- Twitter @UCBGenEq (link is external)
- Like our Facebook page(link is external)
- Join our facebook groups: Gender Equity Resource Center (link is external) and Volunteers at GenEq (link is external)
All the best,
cici ambrosio, Director of Women’s Resources
Gender Equity Resource Center
5) The Vanguard
The Vanguard
This semester we are introducing a new publication/club to UC Berkeley called The Vanguard at Berkeley. The Vanguard at Berkeley is the student-run branch of the Davis Vanguard (davisvanguard.org). Our organization aims to provide community-based watchdog and news reporting of local government and criminal justice reform. We aim to bring transparency, accountability and fairness to our local government and courts.
Interested in writing about court proceedings? Prison reform? Social justice? General events in Northern CA? Do you want to learn by doing? Want to see your hard work published?
Apply to be a writer!
No experience required, just a desire to learn!
We held an infosession this week that we recorded. If you want to see the recording you can email ozgselin@berkeley.edu.
We hope to see your application!
Instagram: @vanguardatberk
Application link: https://tinyurl.com/vanguardberkapp
Email ozgeselin@berkeley.edu or DM our Instagram page with any questions!
Thank you!
Özge Terzioğlu
6) RJ/TJ Taskforce
RJ/TJ Taskforce
The RJ/TJ Taskforce works on creating restorative justice and transformative justice pathways for those impacted by SVSH on campus. We work closely with the founders and directors of the Restorative Justice Center and the PATH to Care center, among others, to push for restorative and transformative options to be made available for students impacted by SVSH, and ensure that those options are guided by and rooted in student concerns and needs. For students who are interested in hands-on experience in writing actual campus policy, survivor-support, gender violence prevention, building allyships with key administrative stakeholders, hands-on leadership experience, and would like to join a community of caring and committed students — the RJ/TJ Taskforce welcomes you with warm arms! For those interested, feel free to direct any inquiries to lauren@berkeleysao.org Please fill out this brief interest form by February 15 by 6:00 PM (PST).
7) Su Abrd Progs Virtual
Su Abrd Progs Virtual
Virtual Global Internships and Summer Abroad Programs
Berkeley Global Internships and Berkeley Summer Abroad programs will be virtual for Summer 2021.
Applications for both programs open February 1, 2021. These programs are open to Berkeley students and visitors.
8) Glbl Entrepreneurshp Prog
Glbl Entrepreneurshp Prog
The deadline to apply for the Berkeley Summer Abroad: Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation program is March 15, 2021.
The deadline to apply for all other Berkeley Summer Abroad programs is May 2, 2021.
9) Su Study Abrd $$$
Su Study Abrd $$$
$1,200 scholarships are available to UC Berkeley students for Berkeley Global Internships and the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Berkeley Summer Abroad program!
Berkeley Study Abroad Scholarship
The Berkeley Study Abroad Scholarship is available to eligible Berkeley students. Qualified students will receive awards of $1,200 for a summer 2021 program. No application is necessary.
To qualify, you must:
Be a current UC Berkeley student (Expected Graduation Date of summer 2021 or later)
Be a current Berkeley student eligible for financial aid
Be a participant in a 2021 Berkeley Virtual Global Internships program (all locations), or the 2021 Berkeley Summer Abroad Virtual Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation program.
Have an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of $50,000 or less
Have completed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for the term of participation
Have remaining financial need after all other eligible gift aid and scholarships have been calculated towards your program’s cost of attendance
Enrolled in a minimum of 6 semester units in summer 2021
Learn more under “Scholarships for Berkeley Study Abroad Programs” on our Scholarships page.
10) Berkeley Su Abrd
Berkeley Su Abrd
Berkeley Summer Abroad Berkeley Summer Abroad offers virtual intensive summer programs built around Berkeley courses and led by Berkeley faculty.
2021 Virtual Summer Abroad programs include:
11) Commencement 2021
Commencement 2021
Chancellor Christ sent out an e-mail 2/3/21 at about 1pm regarding plans for commencement.
It’s so up in the air about any sort of in-person all-school ceremony.
I suspect with how everything is going, in person won’t happen, but if it does, it’s going to be really, really different.
Departments are not having in-person ceremonies.
We’re going to have something online, but we’re in the very early planning stages right now.
So no sign-ups yet for anything.
Here’s the page you can check for updates about the general commencement.
12) Depositions 2/5
Depositions 2/5
Legal Studies Spring 2021 Announcement: An Opportunity for Undergraduates to Participate in a Berkeley Law JD Skills Class with the OPTION of earning 1 unit of LS 199 Individual Research Credit
In Spring 2021, undergraduates will have a unique opportunity to play the role of witnesses in a Berkeley Law JD Professional Skills Class (Depositions: Law 246.3), taught by Professor Henry Hecht.
Professor Hecht seeks six (6) students to serve as role-playing witnesses. Students selected will be expected to prepare in advance by reading a witness statement and a very limited amount of background material. Witnesses will then be expected to participate in six (6) Tuesday afternoon classes from 3:35 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., on February 16, February 23, March 16, March 30, April 20, and April 7. During those classes, you will play the role of a witness for either the plaintiff or the defendant in a mock case. Students selected must be able to commit to attending all six (6) Tuesday afternoon classes.
Professor Hecht’s Depositions course is a lawyering skills course, in which Berkeley Law students, working in small groups, simulate the process of preparing witnesses for their depositions and then taking as well as defending their depositions. Practicing Bay Area lawyers attend these sessions, observe the law students in action, and critique their performances. (Note: A deposition is a pre-trial legal procedure in which witnesses in a civil lawsuit answer questions by the opposing parties under oath, typically in a law office rather than a courtroom. This semester’s depositions will be remote via Zoom.)
Playing the role of a witness will allow you to gain insight into the US system of civil litigation and to see it in operation. In addition, it will provide you with a chance to meet and talk with Berkeley Law students and Bay Area attorneys. Finally, witnesses will earn a $50.00 Amazon gift card for their service.
To Apply:
Please apply by e-mail to Professor Hecht at hhecht@law.berkeley.edu, by no later than Friday, February 5, at 5:00 p.m. Please include the words “Application to be a Witness” and your last name in the subject line of your e-mail. In your cover message, please include a brief statement about why you are interested in taking part in this class; and attach your resume.
Students’ applications will be reviewed by Professor Hecht, and he will notify students of his decisions by no later than Monday, February 8, at 5:00 p.m.
OPTION: Earn 1 Unit of LS 199 Course Credit for Supervised Independent Research with Professor Perry
Students who choose this OPTION have the opportunity to earn one unit of LS 199 P/NP course credit for their service as a witness in Professor Hecht’s Depositions class under the supervisor of Professor Perry. In order to earn this supervised independent research credit, students will be required to do some additional readings on the civil litigation process and on the participant observation method, which are described below. At the end of the semester, students selecting this option must submit a paper of at least ten pages in length, exclusive of notes and bibliography. The requirements for the LS 199 course credit, offered by Professor Perry, are described below.
Requirements for LS 199 credit:
- Attend all six (6) class role playing sessions, and prepare for the role plays;
- Take notes on what you did and what you observed, preferably in a small note pad, organized by the date of the session; and submit the raw, handwritten pages along with your final paper;
- Read materials, posted on bCourses, on participant observation methods; and consider how those method(s) apply to your own experience;
- Read two chapters, posted on bCourses, from Robert Kagan’s Adversarial Legalism: The American Way of Law, focusing especially on Chapter 6, which mentions depositions;
- Papers will be graded on a P/NP basis by Professor Perry.
If you want to pursue this option, specify that in your cover message to Professor Hecht when you apply; and he will let Professor Perry know.