
All News

February 20, 2024

February 7, 2024

Since his arrival from the University of Washington last summer, Michael Paz has rapidly become a sought-after presence in 2240. His weekly roundups are already legendary. Most people would be satisfied to learn the ropes during their first year in a new job. Michael is not most people. He has been tracing the ropes to the levers, finding the wheels within wheels of the intricate clockwork we call UC Berkeley. His resourcefulness and initiative has now been recognized by higher powers.

February 2, 2024

January 29, 2024

January 24, 2024

January 18, 2024


1) Legal Studies Commencement

2) Su24 Enrollment

3) Career Peer Advsrs

4) Summer Abroad

5) Depositions

6) Labor Summer

7) Discovery Database

8) SLC Tutor Jobs

9) FAFSA Opens 12/31

10) Rausser Wkstdy Job

11) Pre-Law Scholars Prog

12) Art of Writing Courses

13) Tons of Rsrch info

14) PhD Studentships

15) JusticeCorps


1) Legal Studies Commencement

Legal Studies Commencement

December 19, 2023

December 7, 2023

Law & Society Review, the publication of the Law & Society Association, published a special memorial issue to honor the late Professor Lauren Edelman.

December 6, 2023

December 1, 2023

Special Recognition to JSP Alum '20 Tobias Smith! He's part of the 8th Round of Fellows in the the Public Intellectuals Program, presented by The National Committee on United States-China Relations.


November 17, 2023

Congratulations to Bonnie Cherry and Brianne Felsher for being named Student Research Colloquium Fellows bythe American Society for Legal History!

The American Society for Legal History website:

1) Supportal
2) LS 106WI
3) Job Shadow Prog
4) Research $$
5) UCD Study Abrd
6) Poli Sci 112C
7) BUJC Submit!
8) Course Offerings by Semester
10) Harvard College Study
11) NATAMST Sp24 Classes
12) Lgl Asst. Job

November 9, 2023

October 30, 2023

Dylan Penningroth talks with host Alexis Madrigal about his new book “Before the Movement: The Hidden History of Black Civil Rights”

Listen here:

Congratulations to Brianne Felsher for receiving a 2023 Cromwell Fellowship for early career scholars from the American Society for Legal History.

Click here>>

October 20, 2023

October 11, 2023

October 9, 2023

September 26, 2023

What the conventional narrative gets wrong about the civil rights movement

The Washington Post reviews Professor Dylan Penningroth’s book, Before The Movement: The Hidden History of Black Civil Rights.