Career Options After the Program

What percentage of students successfully go into tenure-track, law teaching jobs?

Of the over 150 graduates from the JSP program, about three quarters have gone into academia and of those three quarters, another three quarters have tenured or tenure track positions. Of the past five years, JSP has had 30 graduates. Of those, fifteen have tenure-track positions, seven have postdoctoral or VAP positions, and six are not working in academia. Those graduates that are in academia, both tenure-track and temporary positions, include sixteen that are in law schools.

Do all of the students go into academia after the program?

About 80% of students in the JSP program go into academia. While only one-third of our students who went into academia taught in law schools, over the past decade, approximately two-thirds ended up teaching in law schools.

What opportunities are there for mentoring with regards to the job market?

JSP students get one-on-one mentorship from their advisors, in addition to having access to professional development workshops throughout the program. These workshops include topics such as the job market, publishing, advising relationships, etc. We encourage our students to start attending these job workshops in their second or third years.