Summer 2008 Legal Studies Course Offerings

102: Policing & Society

111: The Making of Modern Constitutionalism

154: International Human Rights

170: Crime & Criminal Justice

176: 20th Century American Legal History

182: Law, Politics & Society

Subject to change.

Please check the Online Schedule of Classes ( for the most up-to-date information.

Course Details: 

LS 102: Policing & Society

A. Smith 4 units, Area IV Session D 7/7/08 – 8/15/08 MTuWTh 10am-12pm

This course examines the American social institution of policing with particular emphasis on urban law enforcement. It explores the social, economic and cultural forces that pull policing in the direction of state legal authority and power as well as those that are a counter-weight to the concentration of policing powers in the state. Special attention is given to how policing shapes and is shaped by the urban landscape, legal to cultural. 

LS 111: The Making of Modern Constitutionalism

Lieberman 4 units, Area II Session A 5/27/08 – 7/3/08 MTuWTh 2-4pm

Historical examination of the emergence of constitutionalism as an authoritative approach to the study of law and politics; coverage from the 16th to 18th centuries, concluding in discussion of the debate over ratification of the U.S. Constitution.

LS 154: International Human Rights

Boyd 4 units, Area I, II Session D 7/7/08 – 8/15/08 MTuWTh 10am-12pm

This course considers how the practice of punishing crime can be understood in terms of the larger system of social life and cultural values in which punishment occurs. In exploring the social meanings of punishment, it examines some of the major historical changes in punishment that have been introduced in America and Europe since the 18th century.

LS 170: Crime and Criminal Justice

Perry 4 units, Area IV Session D 7/7/08 – 8/15/08 MTuWTh 12-2pm

This course examines the scope and causes of the crime problem in America, and the uses and limits of our criminal justice system in dealing with it. The class will look at recent trends in crime and at how our crime problem compares with that of other countries. Topics include the massive expansion of the American prison system in recent years and its effect on the crime rate, critical analyses of different theories of the causes of crime, strategies for preventing and controlling crime, death penalty, gun control, white-collar crime, and crime in the family.

LS 176: 20th Century American Legal History

Brown 4 units, Area II Session A 5/27/08 – 7/3/08 MTuWTh 10am-12pm

The opponents of the federal Constitution in 1787 insisted that the new government write into the Constitution limitations on the power of the federal government and a pledge that all powers not given to the federal government would be retained by the people and the states.  Yet in 2007, the federal government, through Supreme Court rulings and Congressional legislation, rights of individuals and limits the ability of states to invade those rights. The ultimate irony of the Constitution is that the Bill of Rights, which was intended to limit the federal government, became the means by which federal government power expanded dramatically. We will begin this course by tracing the relationship of federalism and individual rights from the framing through the adoption of the Civil War amendments. We will then examine the constitutional settlement of the Lochner era and the dramatic 20th-century restatement of federal-state relations in 1937. We will then study the Warren Court’s creation of a new constitutional order of individual rights, and the ratification of those rights in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, ending with a survey of the current battle on the Roberts Court between two different sets of constitutional values.

LS 182: Law, Politics & Society

Feeley 4 units, Area III or IV Session A 5/27/08 – 7/3/08 MTuWTh 8-10am

This course examines the theory and practice of legal institutions in performing several major functions of law: allocating authority, defining relationships, resolving conflict, adapting to social change, and fostering social solidarity. In doing so, it will assess the nature and limits of law as well as consider alternative perspectives on social control and social change.