8) Policy Rsrch Opp.
9) UGBA course
10) IIS Fllwshp
11) UCDC
12) Preparing for Graduation
13) Pre-Law Resource
14) Food Collective
190 Seminars Count
Our Legal Studies 190 seminars count towards the major!
Find out how they count towards the Areas by looking in 'Course Offerings by Semester' for the semester in question. We recycle the numbers each semester, so you have to look in 'Course Offerings by Semester'.
190 seminars are smaller in size, do not have discussion sections (no GSIs), so you'll have more contact with the professor, are usually one day a week, and the topics are amazing.
You could potentially take four 190's to fulfill the Area requirements for the major if you wanted to. They count just as our lecture courses do.
Yay for the 190's!
There are lots of seats available for Fa23.
Check them out!
Legal Studies Fall 2023 Announcement: An Opportunity for Undergraduates to Participate
in a Berkeley Law JD Skills Class with the OPTION of earning 1 unit of LS 199 Individual
Research Credit
In Fall 2023, undergraduates will have a unique opportunity to play the role of witnesses in a
Berkeley Law JD Professional Skills Class (Depositions: Law 246.3), taught by Professor Henry
Professor Hecht seeks six (6) students to serve as role-playing witnesses. Students selected will be expected to prepare in advance by reading a witness statement and a very limited amount of background material. Witnesses will then be expected to participate during the semester in six (6) Tuesday afternoon classes from 3:35 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., on September 19, September 26, October 17, October 24, November 14, and November 12. During those classes, you will play the role of a witness for either the plaintiff or the defendant in a mock case. Students selected must be able to commit to attending all six (6) Tuesday afternoon classes.
Professor Hecht's Depositions course is a lawyering skills course, in which Berkeley Law
students, working in small groups, simulate the process of preparing witnesses for their
depositions and then taking as well as defending their depositions. Practicing Bay Area lawyers
attend these sessions, observe the law students in action, and critique their performances.
(Note: A deposition is a pre-trial legal procedure in which witnesses in a civil lawsuit answer questions by the opposing parties under oath, typically in a law office rather than a courtroom.)
Playing the role of a witness will allow you to gain insight into the US system of civil litigation
and to see it in operation. In addition, it will provide you with a chance to meet and talk with
Berkeley Law students and Bay Area attorneys. Finally, witnesses will earn a $50.00 Amazon
gift card for their service.
To Apply:
Please apply by e-mail to Monique Sanchez, Professor Hecht’s Faculty Assistant, at
msanchez@law.berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail), by no later than Wednesday, September 6, at 5:00 p.m. Please include the words “Application to be a Witness” and your last name in the subject line of your e-mail. In your cover message, please include a brief statement about why you are interested in taking part in this class; and attach your resume.
Students' applications will be reviewed by Professor Hecht, and he will notify students of his decisions by no later than Monday, September 11, at 5:00 p.m.
OPTION: Earn 1 Unit of LS 199 Course Credit for Supervised Independent Research with
Professor Perry
Students who choose this OPTION have the opportunity to earn one unit of LS 199 P/NP course credit for their service as a witness in Professor Hecht’s Depositions class under the supervisor of Professor Perry. In order to earn this supervised independent research credit, students will be required to do some additional readings on the civil litigation process and on the participant observation method, which are described below. At the end of the semester, students selecting this option must submit a paper of at least ten pages in length, exclusive of notes and bibliography. The requirements for the LS 199 course credit, offered by Professor Perry, are described below.
Requirements for LS 199 credit:
i. Attend all six (6) class role playing sessions, and prepare for the role plays;
ii. Take notes on what you did and what you observed, preferably in a small note pad,
organized by the date of the session; and submit the raw, handwritten pages along
with your final paper;
iii. Read materials, posted on bCourses, on participant observation methods; and consider
how those method(s) apply to your own experience;
iv. Read two chapters, posted on bCourses, from Robert Kagan’s Adversarial Legalism:
The American Way of Law, focusing especially on Chapter 6, which mentions
depositions; and
v. Papers will be graded on a P/NP basis by Professor Perry.
If you want to pursue this option, specify that in your cover message to Professor Hecht (sent to msanchez@law.berkeley.edu(link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail)) when you apply; and he will let Professor Perry know.
Underground Scholars
We are reaching out to invite Black-identifying formerly incarcerated and systems-impacted students to join Black USI. Black Underground Scholars Initiative is a subdivision of Underground Scholars. Our mission is to provide dedicated support and resources to Black USI members. Please fill out the form linked here(link is external) if you fit this category. No one who wishes to join will be excluded. If you know of anyone who we should invite, please share this link with them. Thank you.
UC Berkeley Black Underground Scholars
Become a UC Berkeley Tour Guide Today!
Our 2023-2024 Campus Ambassador application is now open! We want to hear from you.
Campus ambassadors are some of the most influential people on campus. For 175,000 annual campus guests, a student ambassador is the first person they have contact with, shaping visitors’ first impressions of the university. Campus ambassadors lead tours, serve visitors at campus landmarks, support parent programs, and staff special events such as Cal Day and Homecoming. As representatives and advocates for the university, we personify the excellence and diversity of the campus community. You can find more information about the role on our website: https://visit.berkeley.edu/becoming-a-campus-ambassador/.
Please find the application can be found in the above website or at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeY1Qy08E_aomlOKGL9bVI5SXfggpoiyI4rdYUO_zVEBFwMEQ/viewform
The application closes on Friday, September 1st at 10:00pm.. Make sure to take your time completing it and to tell your Berkeley story! Note that the application requires a 1-2 minute video submission. We will also have three optional Information Sessions, of which more information can be found on our website or application. We highly encourage you to attend to ask questions about the job or the application!
We look forward to getting to know you! If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at vps.hiring@berkeley.edu. Thanks, and Go Bears!
Visitor and Parent Services Hiring Team
8) Policy Rsrch Opp.
Policy Rsrch Opp.
As the Fall semester approaches, we are excited to share that we are recruiting research associates for our Policy Initiatives for Fall 2023. Each semester, our Policy Initiatives provide educational opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in hands-on policy research on a variety of topics. Working in small, independent teams, research associates will conduct literature reviews, analyze current policies, and craft novel policy solutions backed by evidence. We have received positive feedback from past research associates in the legal studies department.
The Student Policy Institute at Berkeley (SPIB), formerly known as the Roosevelt Network at Berkeley, Cal’s very own student-led, interdisciplinary policy think tank, is recruiting research associates for its Fall 2023 Policy Initiatives. Policy Initiatives are student-led teams of 5-7 research associates that work on a specific topic for the duration of one semester. Detailed descriptions of this Spring’s five policy topics can be found here. The application closes on September 8th, 2023 11:59 PM PST and can be found here.
9) UGBA course
UGBA course
NOTE: this course does not fulfill any Legal Studies requirements.
Haas elective course on the challenges of transitioning from fossil fuels to clean energy. The course is UGBA 193B, Energy & Civilization.
I'm reaching out to non-business majors in the hopes of broadening the multi-disciplinarity of my students - and to increase enrollment given the constraints Haas puts on non-majors who try to pre-enroll in Haas undergraduate courses. The key thing for them to know is that:
o Non-majors can pre-enroll by manually adding themselves to the waitlist. They will be added automatically when Haas unlocks enrollment when the semester begins.
o Otherwise, they can simply come to class and we can enroll them by hand.
Chris Rosen
Associate Professor, Haas School of Business
T-Th 12:30 – 2:00 in N 370 - Chou Hall
Discussion Sections:
DIS 101: Thu, 2-3 PM, Cheit 250
DIS 102: Thu, 3-4 PM, Cheit 250
4 credits
Course Description
Energy has been one of the main drivers of civilization since the beginning. Today, it is also the source of some of modern civilization’s most serious problems – including climate change, air and water pollution, and consequent public health problems and the destruction of natural ecosystems. Can we solve these problems -- while maintaining the energy benefits that make modern civilization possible? Can we do so while also extending these benefits to hundreds of millions of impoverished people in the developing world? If so, how?
The purpose of UGBA 193B, Energy & Civilization, is to grapple with these questions. Using a systems approach, our teaching team will help students learn to analyze and develop solutions for modern society’s complex, often conflicting energy problems. This approach integrates analysis of the societal, cultural, economic, technological, scientific, and political drivers of energy innovation with an examination of the political, economic, technical, cognitive and cultural constraints, uncertainties, and conflicts that make developing and instituting solutions to our energy problems very difficult.
Students will develop group research projects on this subject and present them to the class.
Lecture topics include:
- Systems approaches for analyzing, developing, and evaluating solutions for problems in energy technology innovation and energy policy innovation (such as societal system analysis, life cycle analysis; innovation pathway analysis, industrial supply chain analysis).
- Innovation taking place in current and emerging energy technologies. Comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of these technologies, including coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal
- Factors that make our current energy problems difficult to solve, including cognitive biases, political problems, technical and economic challenges, and market failures.
- How we got here: historic progression from agrarian societies, to industrial revolution, to the dominance of oil, to modern day; how understanding past energy transitions can help us better anticipate the challenges of the current transition – and how this new transition will be different from past transitions.
- Comparing energy demand and supply factors in the developed and developing worlds.
- How quantitative methods and concepts such as uncertainty estimates, cost/benefit, probability and statistics improve our ability to address energy/climate challenges effectively.
- Challenges of change-agency and leadership
10) IIS Fllwshp
IIS Fllwshp
Application Deadline: Tuesday, September 5th, 2023 at 5:00pm (PST)
The Undergraduate Fellowship Program is a year-long fellowship and joint initiative offered by IIS and CPD. The program presents a unique opportunity for a selective group of undergraduate students to work side-by-side with IIS/CPD affiliated faculty and graduate level research associates on conducting original research.
What will I get out of this experience?
- The opportunity to work with and learn from a faculty or graduate student mentor.
- Develop key skills and knowledge necessary to study the analysis of international affairs and/or the politics of developing countries.
- Access to various seminars and workshops where scholars from UC Berkeley and other top universities present their projects providing unique insight into the theories and methods used by experts, and exposure to the larger interdisciplinary research community.
- A $1000-$2000 stipend (dependent on your time commitment.)
How do I apply?
- Review the AY 2023-24 mentors / projects
- Select up to two projects that align with your interests and skills.
- Hit the below Apply button to be directed to the application form.
Please note that you will be asked to provide 1) a two-page cover letter describing what you are hoping to gain from the program, your interest in each project you selected, and what makes you an excellent candidate and 2) an updated resume.
Eligibility requirements:
Applicants must currently be enrolled at UC Berkeley and have completed at least one semester of study in residence. All majors are eligible and encouraged to apply.
11) UCDC
UCDC sends juniors and seniors to Washington, DC each fall and spring to participate in prestigious internships and take exciting courses for a full semester of UCB academic credit. All majors are welcome. UCB financial aid available.
Recent participants have said: "UCDC was instrumental in landing a job after I graduated," and "UCDC was my best semester at Berkeley!"
Questions? Come to an info session to learn more, email, or sign up for an appointment. Also, check the website and facebook page for program announcements and updates.
Upcoming Info Session Dates
• Wednesday, September 6, 4-5pm in 3401 Dwinelle Hall
• Thursday, September 14, 11am-noon on zoom at https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/5492740547
We are the Berkeley Student Food Collective: students like you working to provide more accessible, more sustainable, and healthier food to the Berkeley community — and learning how to run a grocery co-op in the process.
We run a nonprofit, volunteer-run grocery store across from Lower Sproul that is governed democratically by students — with the cheapest prices in town. This fall, we have a brand new instant discounts for EBT users, a store remodel, and a WILD new membership orientation... you in?
If you're down to spend two hours a week this fall involved in food justice, organizing, education, marketing, accounting, or nonprofit management in a real-world business — or just want to be a part of a community growing a vision for a more people-centered food system in these turbulent times — sign up at http://foodcollective.org/apply.
Can't sign up this semester? Follow us on Instagram, Tiktok, or our listserv for updates, demos, and more!