1) Depositions Apply by Sept 1
2) Consulting Session
3) Webinar
4) Stiles Hall
5) Mentor/Teach Youth AUG 30 Deadline!!!
6) 10,000 Degrees Fllwshp
7) Sample Jobs/Intrnshps
8) Perennial
9) Consulting Info Sess
10) UCDC
1) Depositions
Legal Studies Fall 2021 Announcement: An Opportunity for Undergraduates to Participate in a Berkeley Law JD Skills Class with the OPTION of earning 1 unit of LS 199 Individual Research Credit
In Fall 2021, undergraduates will have a unique opportunity to play the role of witnesses in a Berkeley Law JD Professional Skills Class (Depositions: Law 246.3), taught by Professor Henry Hecht.
Professor Hecht seeks six (6) students to serve as role-playing witnesses. Students selected will be expected to prepare in advance by reading a witness statement and a very limited amount of background material. Witnesses will then be expected to participate during the semester in six (6) Tuesday afternoon classes from 3:35 p.m. to 6:15 p.m., on September 14, September 21, October 12, October 19, November 9, and November 16. During those classes, you will play the role of a witness for either the plaintiff or the defendant in a mock case. Students selected must be able to commit to attending all six (6) Tuesday afternoon classes.
Professor Hecht’s Depositions course is a lawyering skills course, in which Berkeley Law students, working in small groups, simulate the process of preparing witnesses for their depositions and then taking as well as defending their depositions. Practicing Bay Area lawyers attend these sessions, observe the law students in action, and critique their performances. (Note: A deposition is a pre-trial legal procedure in which witnesses in a civil lawsuit answer questions by the opposing parties under oath, typically in a law office rather than a courtroom. During the pandemic, depositions were conducted remotely via Zoom.)
Playing the role of a witness will allow you to gain insight into the US system of civil litigation and to see it in operation. In addition, it will provide you with a chance to meet and talk with Berkeley Law students and Bay Area attorneys. Finally, witnesses will earn a $50.00 Amazon gift card for their service.
To Apply:
Please apply by e-mail to Professor Hecht at hhecht@law.berkeley.edu, by no later than Wednesday, September 1, at 5:00 p.m. Please include the words “Application to be a Witness” and your last name in the subject line of your e-mail. In your cover message, please include a brief statement about why you are interested in taking part in this class; and attach your resume.
Students’ applications will be reviewed by Professor Hecht, and he will notify students of his decisions by no later than Friday, September 3, at 5:00 p.m.
OPTION: Earn 1 Unit of LS 199 Course Credit for Supervised Independent Research with Professor Perry
Students who choose this OPTION have the opportunity to earn one unit of LS 199 P/NP course credit for their service as a witness in Professor Hecht’s Depositions class under the supervisor of Professor Perry. In order to earn this supervised independent research credit, students will be required to do some additional readings on the civil litigation process and on the participant observation method, which are described below. At the end of the semester, students selecting this option must submit a paper of at least ten pages in length, exclusive of notes and bibliography. The requirements for the LS 199 course credit, offered by Professor Perry, are described below.
Requirements for LS 199 credit:
- Attend all six (6) class role playing sessions, and prepare for the role plays;
- Take notes on what you did and what you observed, preferably in a small note pad, organized by the date of the session; and submit the raw, handwritten pages along with your final paper;
- Read materials, posted on bCourses, on participant observation methods; and consider how those method(s) apply to your own experience;
- Read two chapters, posted on bCourses, from Robert Kagan’s Adversarial Legalism: The American Way of Law, focusing especially on Chapter 6, which mentions depositions;
- Papers will be graded on a P/NP basis by Professor Perry.
If you want to pursue this option, specify that in your cover message to Professor Hecht when you apply; and he will let Professor Perry know.
2) Consulting Session
Consulting Session
Consulting & Professional Services | Tuesday, August 31, 2021
What exactly does a “consultant” do and how do they make an impact? Take advantage of this interactive session to demystify what consulting is, and hear INSIDER TIPS from industry professionals who will share their insights and experiences! Discover how to leverage your skills and experience that will resonate with management, operations, technical, financial advisory, human resource and other types of consulting organizations!
3) Webinar
Sounding the Alarm: Addressing the Declining Representation of Black Students in California’s Community Colleges.
This webinar will address the declining enrollment of Black students that has been significantly impacted during the COVID-19 and racial pandemics. Leadings scholars, practitioners, and policy advocates will discuss what needs to be done to address this pressing concern. This webinar will take place on September 1, 2021 from 12pm-2pm (Pacific Time).
Don’t Lose the Democratizing Effect of Remote Work
Insightful article by the Harvard Business Review on how remote work affects equity.
4) Stiles Hall
Stiles Hall
Apply for Pathway Coaching that offers both mentoring and tutoring services to students in Berkeley, Compton, Bakersfield and Coachella! Volunteers can receive 1-2 units!
Pathway Coaching provides comprehensive academic and social support for high potential Black and Latinx Elementary, Middle and High school students to increase academic engagement, college readiness and leadership skills.
As a volunteer you will be matched one-to-one with a student twice a week for an hour each session and are encouraged to commit two semesters. Times are flexible to fit your schedule. Volunteers and students engage in homework completion and assignments aligned with the teacher’s curriculum. Volunteers will develop and conduct a lesson plan for the after-school coaching sessions with feedback from the Supervisor.
Please submit an application on our website or via this link. If you are unsure of which program you would like to apply for, fill out this interest form and we will do our best to match you with the right program for you.
Please visit our website stileshall.org to learn more about what we do. Thank you in advance for your interest in volunteering with Stiles Hall.
Attach flyer:
5) Mentor/Teach Youth
Mentor/Teach Youth
Mentor or Teach Youth (for Work Study, units, volunteer)!
Local students are struggling to return to school after a year of remote learning.You can help! Mentor in reading, tutor math, help a middle schooler, or teach the arts.
Pay is $16.32/hour in Work Study, field units, or volunteer.
- BUILD: Read with a K-5th grader (Work Study pay or units; in-person)
- Bridging Berkeley: Mentor a 6th-8th grader on Zoom or tutor Math in person (Work Study)
- CREATE: Co-Teach a class in Art, Creative Writing, Dance, or Theater (units or volunteer only)
Apply by: Mon, Aug 30 for BUILD/Bridging Berkeley and Sat, Sept 4 for CREATE
More info: https://publicservice.berkeley.edu
6) 10,000 Degrees Fllwshp
10,000 Degrees Fllwshp
2021-22 10,000 Degrees Fellowship Application
The 10,000 Degrees Fellowship is an integral part of the 10,000 Degrees mission to support college graduates who change the world. The 10,000 Degrees Fellow assists with students accessing and succeeding in college and the workforce, applying for financial aid, facilitating a variety of workshops for students and families, and supporting the development team at fundraising events. During their first year, all Fellows will complete an original Capstone project of their own design on a topic relevant to their work. This is a 3-year commitment.
7) Sample Jobs/Intrnshps
Sample Jobs/Intrnshps
Check out the following links that will take you to curated job/internship searches in Handshake! Whether you are in the middle of job searching or you’re just looking to see what the job market looks like in your major, these are great links to get you started. (Hint: If you like what you see, click “save your search” on the Jobs page in Handshake so you can revisit later).
8) Perennial
Perennial: The Undergraduate Environmental Journal of Berkeley
Interested in environmental action? Consider joining Perennial, UC Berkeley’s premier undergraduate environmental journal! We publish original news articles and Op-Eds written by our Staff writers and research papers submitted by undergraduate students. Through Perennial, students can share their insights and educate their peers on a wide variety of important topics, including climate change, environmental justice, and natural resources management.
Perennial offers you the chance to…
– Write on a wide range of environmental topics
– Contribute to the design and content of our semesterly issue and our website
– Access close one-on-one support from Senior Editors
– Participate in workshops that improve your writing, research, and editing skills
– Join a close community of friends who share the same passion!
We’re recruiting for roles in editorial; design; marketing and social media; website; and finance. Check out our Spring 2021 issue, and view department descriptions!
Apply by Thursday 9/9, 11:59PM PST: tinyurl.com/fa21perennial
Feel free to contact us at calperennial@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook, Instagram (@calperennial), or LinkedIn.
9) Consulting Info Sess
Consulting Info Sess
My name is Jason Chang, and I have been working as an Analyst at Cornerstone Research since I graduated from the University of Southern California in 2020. I am reaching out to the Department of Legal Studies on behalf of Cornerstone Research, an economic and financial consulting firm that provides expert testimony in high-profile litigation. My experience at Cornerstone has been rewarding in many aspects, as I have had the opportunity to work on collaborative teams with leading academic experts while developing relevant quantitative and qualitative skills.
Cornerstone will be hosting an info-session and 1:1 coffee chats for Cal students at the Berkeley Consulting Forum on Wednesday, September 1st 2:00-5:00pm. Our info-session will be held from 2:30-3:00pm, while coffee chats will be available for RSVP on Handshake for the rest of the period. We would greatly appreciate it if you could encourage anyone who is interested to join us. Students can find further information about these events on Handshake or by getting in touch with the UC Berkeley Career Center regarding event logistics.
Additionally, please be aware of the additional events and application deadlines below. Please see the linked descriptions of the Analyst and Summer Analyst roles.
- Cornerstone Research Virtual Information Session and Case Workshop: Wednesday, September 8th 5:30 – 7:00 PM
- Analyst : Wednesday, September 15th at 11:59 pm
- Summer Analyst: Sunday, October 3rd at 11:59 pm
Reminder: Interested applicants must apply directly on our website in order to be considered.
As a quick introduction to our firm and culture, I would like to highlight that Cornerstone:
- Recruits students from all majors; we find that our most successful analysts have a demonstrated interest in research and desire to learn complex economic and financial concepts
- Works across industries including antitrust, healthcare, finance, intellectual property, and securities and has a generalist model that provides analysts with opportunities across sectors
- Maintains a positive work-life balance, supporting our diverse staff, with a strong analyst culture
This, combined with the firm’s long-standing relationships with our clients, makes Cornerstone an ideal place to start a career. Analysts from Cornerstone often go on to top M.B.A., J.D., or Ph.D. graduate programs or proceed directly into technology, business, finance, or nonprofit work.
I would greatly appreciate it if you could share this message with members of the Department of Legal Studies. We think students would enjoy and benefit from our firm and culture, and we look forward to sharing more about the Analyst experience at Cornerstone as students begin exploring options for life after graduation.
10) UCDC
UCDC Now Accepting Applications, Due Sept. 16, 2021
Welcome back to campus!Are you interested in spending a semester in DC? UCDC sends juniors and seniors to Washington, D.C. each fall and spring to participate in prestigious internships and take exciting courses for a full semester of UCB academic credit. All majors are welcome. UCB financial aid is transferrable.
Recent participants have said: “UCDC was instrumental in landing a job after I graduated,” and “UCDC was my best semester at Berkeley!”
Questions? Come to an info session to learn more, email, or sign up for an appointment. Also, check the website and facebook page for program announcements and updates.
Upcoming Info Session Dates – (zoom)
- Wednesday, September 1, 11am-noon, https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/5492740547
• Tuesday, September 7, 3-4pm, https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/5492740547
• Friday, September 10, 11am-noon, https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/54927405
The deadline to submit an application for the SP22 semester is Thursday, September 16. The applications for Fall 2022 will be due in mid February 2022.