5) Sup. Ct. Justice Talk
6) Jobs Post-Cal Panel
7) Subjects Needed
8) Patent /IP Law Panel
If you are interested in learning more about the Legal Studies Honors Program, please join us for an info session with program faculty and two current Legal Studies Honors Students!
When: April 16th, 5pm
April 25th
5pm - 8pm
B100 at Blum Hall
Unsure what career you want to pursue in the international field after graduation? Join us for an illuminating panel discussion featuring professionals in international work and service, and across sectors and roles. Panelists will share their personal career stories, offer invaluable insights into their respective fields and the diverse array of opportunities available in the international arena. From tech giants like Meta to leading development organizations like USAID and international NGOs like IIE, our panelists represent a rich tapestry of experiences and expertise. Attendees will participate in a dynamic Q&A session followed by an opportunity to individually and informally connect with our guests afterwards.
Food will be provided to students.
Tuesday, April 16th from 6:00-8:00pm I Hybrid Event
5) Sup. Ct. Justice Talk
Sup. Ct. Justice Talk
Reshaping American Life: Today’s Supreme Court in Historical Context, and its Potential Impact on our Future
Location: (Hybrid) In-person: Booth Auditorium, Berkeley Law / Virtual: Zoom Few would dispute that the current Supreme Court is shaking up the legal landscape in ways that strike at settled expectations from a generation ago. But is the Court really acting differently from its predecessors? And what does this tell us about what we can expect from this Court going forward? Find out, as California Supreme Court Justice Carol Corrigan moderates a discussion/debate between two of the country’s leading scholars of the Supreme Court: Berkeley Law School Dean Erwin Chemerinsky and Case Western Reserve Law Professor Jonathan Adler. |
6) Jobs Post-Cal Panel
Jobs Post-Cal Panel
Navigating Your Job Search & Post-Cal Life (Alumni Panel)
Tuesday, April 23rd from 12:00-1:00pm I Virtual
You can view the full list of events here or directly on Handshake.
Last Minute Call for Interview Participants Paid Study
I am a Legal Studies & Social Welfare major conducting research for my senior project for the HAAS Scholars Program.
I am conducting important interviews to gather valuable insights from individuals who have experienced being unaccompanied minors/undocumented youth who were without their parents at any given time. This includes circumstances such as being with a relative, friend, detention center, juvenile facility, group home, foster home, youth shelter, homeless, on their own, or any combination thereof. A $50 Amazon Gift Card will be provided as compensation for participation during the interview. These interviews can provide valuable firsthand perspectives that may help inform policies, programs, or initiatives aimed at supporting this vulnerable population.
All information will be kept anonymous and your name and legal status will not be gathered or used. For your voluntary participation in a 1- hour phone interview you will be given a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Open to students and non-students age 18 or older.
Please contact me via email purebeauty@berkeley.edu or directly by phone 510-355-5852 if you prefer. Otherwise contact me anonymously using *67 then dialing my number 510-355-5852. Weekends anytime, early mornings from 4am to 9am and evenings after 5:15pm are the best times to call. Use the method of your preference. I will be scheduling and conducting interviews diligently from now until May 1st unless the 50-participant cap is reached.
*Category has been expanded to include anyone with experience as an unaccompanied/undocumented youth without parents.
Supervising instructor is Kathryn Abrams who can be reached at krabrams@berkeley.edu and this research has been approved by UC Berkeley IRB, protocol # 2023-03-16162
Thank you.
Spring Keosoupha