Berkeley Support Portal (“Supportal”). This website is designed for everyone in our campus community — undergraduates, graduate and professional students, postdoctoral appointees, staff, faculty and other academic appointees, visiting scholars, visitors to campus, volunteers, and anyone else who has a connection to UC Berkeley.
We know that when folks have a concern or encounter an issue, navigating UC Berkeley can sometimes be challenging or even feel overwhelming. Supportal is a navigational aid, designed to quickly get you to the right campus resource to start to address your particular concern or challenge. To help you find your type of concern quickly, the website is organized into these functional categories:
- Learning, research, and working at UC Berkeley
- Conflict and conflicts of interest
- Personal support needs, like counseling or basic needs support
- On-campus concerns
- Community-specific concerns
- Harm and misconduct
If you have trouble locating your concern, the website offers alternative pathways to resources, including answers to frequently asked questions; a list of campus resources to browse; and links to other campus navigator websites (such as or the Academic Leaders Toolkit) that can address more common questions and how-to’s or provide resources for specific populations.
We encourage you to explore and share Supportal!
LS 106 and LS 106WI fulfill Areas IV or V for the major.
Legal Studies 106WI
Tues, Thurs 11 am-12:30 pm
Christopher Kutz & Haley Anderson
Philosophy of Law
This course explores a number of philosophical themes bearing on the nature of the law and its relationship to morality: e.g., what is law — does its claim rest only on social processes or does law necessarily embody moral claims? Do we have an obligation to obey the law? What are the moral limits of legal punishment?
In addition to engaging these and related substantive issues, the course also attempts to sharpen students’ skills in practical reasoning through the analysis of logical argument. The writing-intensive section, led by Haley Anderson, features supplemental writing exercises (with feedback), in-class debates, and simulations.
Class #: 33578
Eligibility & Requirements: CLICK HERE
Application Deadline: Sunday, November 26 at 11:59pm
Program Contact: Megan Collins, Matsui Program Manager,
The grant is made possible by a generous donation from the late Bill Brandt and his wife, Patrice Bugelas Brandt.
Greetings from the UC Davis Global Learning Hub! We are happy to announce our Study Abroad programming for 2024, including those that may be of particular interest to your students.
We welcome UC students on UC Davis summer programs, and many can apply their summer financial aid to a study abroad program. Students should meet with a financial aid advisor at their home campus to determine aid eligibility. Students on the semester system can request additional units of 199 to help qualify for summer aid.
The Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics is now open for our 2024 Spring Issue paper submissions!
Please submit your academic papers and creative writing/art (including poetry and prose) to our website by December 31 at 11:59 pm PST. All written submissions should be no more than 10 pages double-spaced (not including bibliographies), with 12pt font, cited and formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at!
The BUJC Editorial Staff
My name is Nicole Alexander, and I am a senior at Harvard College. I am currently conducting research for my senior thesis on Black-white biracial identity development among US college students. My thesis will explore the question: What determines the racial identity that Black-white biracial college students express? I would like to interview students who hold a Black-white biracial background to explore this question. The UC Berkeley Office for Protection of Human Subjects informed me that I could conduct this study at your institution as long as I have gained IRB approval from my own institution (which I have).
Sign up to participate in a Harvard senior thesis study & receive a Starbucks gift card!
I am currently conducting research for my senior thesis, and I am looking for participants willing to participate in 1-2 rounds of interviews. Interviews will last approximately 45 minutes, and all participants will receive a $5 Starbucks gift card. If you are interested in participating, please fill out thisQualtrics survey!
Thanks so much! :)
NATAMST R1B Native American Studies Reading and Composition
MWF 11-11:59
GSI: Pilar Jefferson
NATAMST 20B Introduction to Native American Studies: Cultural Practice, Art and Identity
TuTh 2-3:29
Instructor: Shari Huhndorf (Yupik)
NATAMST C22AC Fire: Past, Present and Future Interaction with the People and Ecosystems of California
MWF 11-11:59
Instructors: Peter Nelson (Graton Rancheria), Scott L Stephens, Kent G Lightfoot
NATAMST 72 Native Americans in North America, 1900-Present
MWF 10-10:59
Instructor: Enrique Lima
NATAMST 102 Critical Native American Legal and Policy Studies
TuTh 11-12:29
Instructor: Thomas Biolsi
NATAMST 105/ETHSTD 180 Indigenous Issues Across the Americas
MWF 12-12:59
Instructor: Enrique Lima
NATAMST 110 Theories and Methods in Native American Studies
Tu/Th 11-12:29
Instructor: John Dougherty
NATAMST 158 Native Americans and the Cinema
W 3-5:59
Instructor: Enrique Lima
NATAMST 178 Topics in Native American History: Water, the West, and Indigenous Peoples
TuTh 2:00-3:29
Instructor: John Dourghty
NATAMST C183/ETHSTD C183 Indigenous Peoples in Global Inequality
Tu/Th 2-3:29
Instructor: Thomas Biolsi
Pay - $25 per hour
Hours – 24 per week; days are flexible except for Fridays – must work 9-5 on Fridays
Perfect position for someone interested in the legal field
Will benefit from thorough training
Resumes and cover letters can be sent to
We are looking to fill the position on 12/1 so the deadline to apply is 11/24/23.
1) Answer phones
2) Intakes of potential clients
3) Filing
4) File maintenance:
Pull closed files
Maintain file room
Scan closed files
Open new client files:
Create statute cards and various folders
Enter information in Time & amp; Chaos
If motor vehicle accident, get client’s policy declaration page
Send rep letters to defendant’s insurance
Send rep letter to client’s insurance
Send rep letter to Equian (for Kaiser) and/or any other medical insurance
Initiate Medicare and/or Medi-Cal contact if applicable
Order ambulance and ER hospital records and bills
Follow up and obtain all paperwork necessary from clients
5) Order medical records and bills by subpoena and authorization and keep list
6) Prepare bill summaries
7) DMV records retrieval
8) Discovery: interview clients and complete discovery responses in a timely manner
9) Trial: Assist in getting files ready for trial
10) Back up senior staff as needed
Announcing Brilliance of Berkeley, New L&S Undergraduate Course: The Division of Undergraduate Education is excited to introduce "Brilliance of Berkeley," a brand-new course offered by the College of Letters & Science, designed to provide incoming students with an unforgettable introduction to the exceptional instruction and accomplishments of UC Berkeley's diverse faculty. This 1-unit (P/NP) course offers a unique opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the diverse academic landscape of UC Berkeley through luminary guest lectures, reflection and connection, discovering the campus, and fostering community and connection. Students may participate in this course online (Section 1) or in person (Section 2). We kindly request your assistance in spreading the word about this unique course.
The Fulbright UK Summer Institutes are fully-funded 3–4 week programs for U.S. college freshmen and sophomores who have no, or very little, travel experience outside North America. Participants explore the culture, heritage, and history of the UK while experiencing higher education at a UK university. The six institutes offered in 2024 have unique themes and are based at different universities (see below).
Students interested in applying are welcome to email Keila Diehl at <> to discuss the application process. The application deadline is February 1, 2024.
Queens University Belfast - This Summer Institute offers participants a 3-week introduction to the rich tapestry of historical, cultural, political, and socio-economic factors that combine to make Northern Ireland a unique place. This experiential programme will situate Queen’s, Belfast, and the north of Ireland within the key conversations that shape our wider world.
University of St. Andrews - This Summer Institute is a 3-week cultural and academic programme focusing on the theme "Scotland's History: Kingdom, Nation, People." The course examines Scotland’s rich history via the close study of some of the key aspects of the country’s past, drawing on the physical environment, material objects, and written texts to provide a sense of the events and themes that have formed Scotland’s history.
Aberystwyth University - This Summer Institute is a 3-week cultural and academic programme focusing on the theme "Identity and Nationhood through the lens of Wales" at a critical juncture in the politics of Wales, the UK, and wider Europe. The programme will provide a comprehensive overview of the impact of economic and social change, structural and political reform, the relationship of the monarchy with the Welsh nation in the wake of the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the implications of dynamics such as migration for the politics of identity and nationhood, and shifting perceptions of Welsh identity and nationhood.
University of Bristol - This Summer Institute is a 3-week cultural and academic programme exploring the intersection of "Arts, Activism and Social Justice." Bristol is an ideal city in which to explore the themes of arts and social change. Having won the 2015 European Green Capital Award, it has a vibrant culture of arts and grassroots activism, and a rich history that includes radical and progressive traditions, and diverse communities. Bristol’s economic history raises important challenges of social justice that are salient in the city today.
Glasgow School of Art & University of Strathclyde - This Summer Institute on "Technology, Innovation and Creativity" will focus on the forces that have shaped the past and are shaping the future of Scotland as a technological, innovative and creative society. Participants will gain a deeper understanding of the cultural role of Scottish institutions, historic spaces and places, national galleries and museums, and the evolution of Scotland’s place in the world.
University of Exeter - This Summer Institute is a 4-week cultural and academic programme focusing on climate change issues in Southwest England. It is aimed at bringing students who are passionate about sustainability and protecting the future of our planet together within the Fulbright programme and joining a wider global audience.
To be eligible, students must:
• Be a US citizen and possess a US passport
• Have had no or very little study/travel experience outside of North America
• Have a minimum GPA of 3.7
• Be at least 18 years old by the start of the programme
• Be able to participate in the programme in its entirety
• Have at least two years of undergraduate study remaining after the Institute finishes
• Not participate in any other study abroad programmes during the Summer of 2024.
Selection Criteria:
The best applications are from well-rounded students who are willing to:
• Respectfully engage with fellow participants representing different backgrounds and different points of views
• Be comfortable with living either on or off campus, prepared to share living accommodations, and willing to adjust to cultural and social and academic practices different from those in the US.
... and who can demonstrate:
• Strong academic ability
• Ambassadorial skills
• Intercultural sensitivity
• Genuine desire to learn more about the UK and to share aspects of American culture
• Extracurricular activities
• Community involvement
• Leadership potential
• Plans to further the Fulbright mission and give back to the US upon their return