Legal Studies Prerequisites Summer 2015

Always check the OSOC for the most up to date info.

Prereq courses in bold can only be used for the New Plan:

Stat 2  Intro to Statistics
Stat 20  Intro to Probability & Statistics
Stat W21  Intro to Probability & Statistics for Business (web-based)


Phil 2  Individual Morality & Social Justice
Phil 3  The Nature of the Mind
Phil 12A  Intro to Logic
Phil 25A  Ancient Philosophy
Phil 25B  Modern Philosophy
Phil 132  Philosophy of the Mind


Hist 7B  Intro to the History of the U.S. Civil War to the Present
Hist N158C  Modern Europe 1914 to the Present
Ethnic Studies 21AC  A Comparative Survey of Racial & Ethnic Groups in the U.S.

Social/Behavioral Sciences

Econ 1  Intro to Economics
Econ 100A  Economic Analysis
Ethnic Studies 21AC  A Comparative Survey of Racial & Ethnic Groups in the U.S.
Poli Sci 1  Intro to American Politics

Poli Sci 2  Intro to Comparative Politics
Soc 3AC  Principles of Sociology
Soc 5  Evaluation of Evidence