Legal Studies Prerequisites Spring 2013

Old Plan(Scroll down for New Plan)

2 Introduction to Statistics
20 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
21 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Business

1 Introduction to Economics
100A Economic Analysis

3 The Nature of the Mind
4 Knowledge and Its Limits
12A Introduction to Logic
25B Modern Philosophy
104 Ethical Theories
132 Nature of the Mind

European History
4B Medieval Europe
5 European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present
158B Europe in the 19th Century

New Plan:

2 Introduction to Statistics
20 Introduction to Probability and Statistics
21 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Business

3 The Nature of the Mind
4 Knowledge and Its Limits
12A Introduction to Logic
25B Modern Philosophy
132 Nature of the Mind

Hist 4B Medieval Europe
Hist 5 European Civilization from the Renaissance to the Present
Hist 158B Europe in the 19th Century
Africam 117 African Americans in the Industrial Age, 1865-1970
Eth Stud 21AC A Comparative Survey of Racial and Ethnic Groups in the U.S.

Social/Behavioral Sciences
1 Introduction to Economics
100A Economic Analysis
Eth Stud 21AC A Comparative Survey of Racial and Ethnic Groups in the U.S.
Poli Sci 1 Intro to American Politics
Poli Sci 2 Intro to Comparative Politics
Sociology 1 Intro to Sociology
Sociology 3AC Principles of Sociology: American Cultures
Sociology 5 Evaluation of Evidence
Sociology 101 Sociological Theory I