Prereq courses in bold can only be used for the New Plan:
Stat/Info C8 Foundations of Data Science
Stat 2 Intro to Statistics
Stat 20 Intro to Probability & Statistics
Phil 2 Individual Morality & Social Justice
Phil 3 The Nature of the Mind
Phil 12A Intro to Logic
Phil 25A Ancient Philosophy
Phil 132 Philosophy of the Mind
Hist 4A The Ancient Mediterranean World, Medieval Europe
Hist 7A Introduction to the History of the United States|
History 8B: Modern Latin America
Hist C139C Civil Rights & Social Movements in U.S. History (also AmerStud 139AC
Hist C157 The Renaissance and the Reformation
Hist 158C Modern Europe 1914 to the Present
Ethnic Studies 21AC A Comparative Survey of Racial & Ethnic Groups in the U.S.
Social/Behavioral Sciences
Econ 1 Intro to Economics
Econ 100A Economic Analysis
Econ 100A Economic Analysis
Ethnic Studies 21AC A Comparative Survey of Racial & Ethnic Groups in the U.S.
Poli Sci 1 Intro to American Politics
Sociology 1 Introduction to Sociology
Sociology 3AC Principles of Sociology
Soc 5 Evaluation of Evidence
Sociology 101 Sociological Theory