Welcome to the Legal Studies Department! We are excited to offer, for the very first time, our Civil Rights and Civil Liberties courses during Summer Sessions' Session D. These courses will explore the ways in which the Constitution affects the relationship between us as individuals and the state; and they will ask what the appropriate role is for the Courts while policing that relationship.
Click here to see up-to-date information on course times and locations.
These courses do not count towards the Legal Studies major.
For more info about pre-college courses at UC Berkeley, email
Session D 7/3/2023 - 8/11/2023
LS 10: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties: Equality and Autonomy Rights / 3 units
What does it mean for the government to treat us equally? This course will focus on the 14th Amendment’s demand that the state provide us all equal protection of the laws, and that it not encroach on our substantive, fundamental rights without due process of the law.
Session D 7/3/2023 - 8/11/2023
LS 12: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties: First Amendment / 3 units