Chicano Studies 174 Chicanos Law & Criminal Justice (4) An examination of the development and function of law, the organization and administration of criminal justice, and their effects in the Chicano community; response to these institutions by Chicanos. (Area I or II)
Econ 127 Antitrust Economics and Law (4) We will study both antitrust law and antitrust economics. Antitrust law governs the accumulation and exercise of market power. It prohibits both monopolization and agreements in unreasonable restraint of trade such as price fixing. It also prohibits anticompetitive mergers and a variety of specific competition problems such as exclusive dealing or tying arrangements. Deciding what qualifies as "monopolization," what qualifies as an "unreasonable restraint of trade," what qualifies as "anticompetitive," and more generally how to interpret the prohibitions of antitrust law invariably involves economic analysis. Such economic analysis commonly goes by the name "antitrust economics". (Area III)
UGBA 107 Social & Political Environment of Business (3) Study and analysis of American business in a changing social and political environment. Interaction between business and other institutions. Role of business in the development of social values, goals, and national priorities. The expanding role of the corporation in dealing with social problems and issues. (Area III)
NATAMST 102 Critical Native American Legal and Policy Studies. (4) Key contemporary issues in the critical study of tribal and federal policy pertaining to American Indians and Alaska Natives in the U.S. Topics include political and cultural sovereignty; religious, gendered, sexual, racial, and other tribal minorities, and civil rights within tribes; Native legal identity and tribal enrollment; the role of violence against women in the history of colonialism, and the struggle for justice and healing; and the movement for traditional or other culturally appropriate forms for tribal self-governance. (Area IV or V)
Philosophy 104 Ethical Theories (4) The fundamental concepts and problems of morality examined through the study of classical and contemporary philosophical theories of ethics. (Area II or V)
Political Sci 124D Reconciliation After Mass Atrocities (4) It is increasingly recognized that for societies to move on after widespread human rightsand humanitarian abuses some form of reconciliation process is necessary. What does reconciliation mean at the national level? What institutions and processes work best to encourage reconciliation? What role do truth commissions and trials play in this process? Are these processes best dealt with nationally or should they be led by an international body? This course will start by examining the concept of reconciliation and then look at case studies including Germany and Japan after WWII, Cambodia after the Khmer Rouge, Argentina and the Dirty War, Chile after Pinochet, South Africa and Apartheid, the Rwandan genocide, and the war in Yugoslavia. Students will complete a research (Area IV or V)
Public Policy C103 Wealth & Poverty (4) This course is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding both of the organization of the political economy in the United States and of other advanced economies, and of why the distribution of earnings, wealth, and opportunity have been diverging in the United States and in other nations. It also is intended to provide insights into the political and public-policy debates that have arisen in light of this divergence, as well as possible means of reversing it. (Area I or IV)
Rhetoric 165 Rhetoric of Legal Philosophy (4) The central question for the philosophy of law is: What is law? To inquire into the rhetoric of the philosophy of law is, then, to ask: How do we speak of law, and of what law is? How do we engage in philosophical inquiry into law — and what can this engagement reveal about what it is we are seeking? What must we think law is, that we seek it in the ways we do? We shall examine the course taken by Western legal philosophy, with an eye to uncovering the tacit premises on which it may be seen to have been conducted. To that end, we shall draw upon insights of Heidegger and Nietzsche into the nature and history of moral and legal thought. In looking to classic and modern statements of the political and moral foundations of law, our principal focus will be the question of the source, nature, and implications of the search for such foundations, and its bearing upon the understanding of law. Engaging with the question of the rhetoric of the philosophy of law will thereby bring us to engage as well with the philosophy of law itself. (Area II or IV or V)
Sociology 149P Sociology of Policing (4) This course explores a wide range of critical scholarship on policing. We begin by developing a sociological conceptualization of “policing” before proceeding to examine the emergence of police in the modern period. Focusing on the case of the United States, we trace the historical development of policing from the colonial era through the contemporary period.
The course traces the historical development of policing in the U.S. from the colonial era through the contemporary period. How are we to understand the power, means, and function of police? If the mandate of police is to enforce and guarantee “order”, what is the relationship between policing and the maintenance of the class order of capitalism, the racial order of white supremacy, and the gendered and heteronormative order of patriarchy? And how are deviations and resistances to these orders criminalized as forms of “disorder” that then become targets of policing?
The second part of the course examines major current developments that are transforming contemporary policing. How can we understand the phenomenon referred to as the “militarization of policing”? What new forms of policing have emerged alongside neoliberalization, and what becomes the role of police in the maintenance of a neoliberal order? How have contemporary technologies ushered in a new era of “predictive policing”? Finally, we focus on resistance, particularly the increasing centrality of criticisms of policing within contemporary social movements, and we conclude the course by imagining the possibilities for abolition... (Area I)