AAS 141 Law in Asian American Community (4) Course will examine the nature, structure, and operation of selected legal institutions as they affect Asian American communities and will attempt to analyze the roles and effects of law, class, and race in American society. (Area II or IV)
In this course, we will examine the relationship between the criminal justice system and the community. We will examine social and historical trends, but our main focus will be on the evolution of this relationship since the mid-20th century, especially how this relationship developed in distressed urban neighborhoods in the post-Civil Rights era. We will pay special attention to how “criminal justice” and “the community” are defined and the implications of these definitions for the development of our current criminal justice system. We will focus primarily on the experience of African Americans living in urban settings. I will draw on my field research in San Francisco along with ongoing research using video recordings of police-citizen encounters in urban settings to illustrate key concepts and concerns introduced in class. We will also critically consider what the relationship between the criminal justice system and the community ought to look like in the future. (Area I or II)
UGBA 107 Social & Political Environment of Business (3) Study and analysis of American business in a changing social and political environment. Interaction between business and other institutions. Role of business in the development of social values, goals, and national priorities. The expanding role of the corporation in dealing with social problems and issues. (Area III)
Chicano Studies 174 Chicanos Law & Criminal Justice (4) An examination of the development and function of law, the organization and administration of criminal justice, and their effects in the Chicano community; response to these institutions by Chicanos. (Area I or II)
Econ 127 Antitrust Economics and Law (4) We will study both antitrust law and antitrust economics. Antitrust law governs the accumulation and exercise of market power. It prohibits both monopolization and agreements in unreasonable restraint of trade such as price fixing. It also prohibits anticompetitive mergers and a variety of specific competition problems such as exclusive dealing or tying arrangements. Deciding what qualifies as "monopolization," what qualifies as an "unreasonable restraint of trade," what qualifies as "anticompetitive," and more generally how to interpret the prohibitions of antitrust law invariably involves economic analysis. Such economic analysis commonly goes by the name "antitrust economics". (Area III)
History 100D Crime, Punishment, and Power in U.S. History (4)
This course is designed to engage students in conversations about particular perspectives on the history of a selected nation, region, people, culture, institution, or historical phenomenon as specified by the respective instructor. By taking this course, students will come to understand, and develop an appreciation for, some combination of: the origins and evolution of the people, cultures, and/or political, economic, and/or social institutions of a particular region(s) of the world. They may also explore how human encounters shaped individual and collective identities and the complex political, economic, and social orders of the region/nation/communities under study. Instructors and subject will vary.
This upper division lecture course explores the making of the modern American criminal justice system and the social movements that shaped and were shaped by its colossal, life-altering powers. In the first half of the course, we’ll examine the three distinct spaces in which the material and ideological foundations of our own criminal justice system were laid: the 19th-century prison, the antebellum city, and the slave plantation. From there, we’ll hopscotch through late 19th and early-20th century, identifying key moments and movements that shaped, challenged, and transformed the institutions, politics, and culture of modern criminal justice. Turning in the last few weeks of the semester to the Post-Industrial Era (1970s to 2000s), we’ll examine the retreat from the decarceration policies of the 1960s and early 1970s, the policy decisions that led to mass incarceration, “zero tolerance” policing, the renewed war on drugs—and the beginnings of a backlash against what one social scientist has called “the unforgiving state.” (Area I or IV)
NATAMST 102 Critical Native American Legal and Policy Studies. (4) Key contemporary issues in the critical study of tribal and federal policy pertaining to American Indians and Alaska Natives in the U.S. Topics include political and cultural sovereignty; religious, gendered, sexual, racial, and other tribal minorities, and civil rights within tribes; Native legal identity and tribal enrollment; the role of violence against women in the history of colonialism, and the struggle for justice and healing; and the movement for traditional or other culturally appropriate forms for tribal self-governance. (Area IV or V)
Philosophy 104 Ethical Theories (4) The fundamental concepts and problems of morality examined through the study of classical and contemporary philosophical theories of ethics. (Area II or V)
Political Sci 112C History of Political Theory (4) Political thought from (roughly) the French Revolution to the Russian Revolution, including Rousseau, Wollstonecraft, Jacobs, Marx, Freud, Weber, Gandhi, Luxemburg, and Lenin. (Area IV)
Political Sci 117L Jurisprudence (4) Justinian’s Institutes opens by defining jurisprudence as iusti atque iniusti scientia – ‘the knowledge of what is right and wrong.’ This course is designed to introduce undergraduate students to this ‘legal science,’ and will invite students to explore foundational questions about the law: What is (and isn’t) law? Is there a difference between law and morality? What is the source of law? Do rights derive from laws? What is the role of courts in a law-governed society? (Area III or IV)
Political Sci 124D Reconciliation After Mass Atrocities (4) It is increasingly recognized that for societies to move on after widespread human rightsand humanitarian abuses some form of reconciliation process is necessary. What does reconciliation mean at the national level? What institutions and processes work best to encourage reconciliation? What role do truth commissions and trials play in this process? Are these processes best dealt with nationally or should they be led by an international body? This course will start by examining the concept of reconciliation and then look at case studies including Germany and Japan after WWII, Cambodia after the Khmer Rouge, Argentina and the Dirty War, Chile after Pinochet, South Africa and Apartheid, the Rwandan genocide, and the war in Yugoslavia. Students will complete a research (Area IV or V)
Rhetoric 159A Great Theorists in the Rhetoric of Political and Legal Theory (4)
This course explores the development of one or two theorists or an important theme or issue, with close readings of major texts as well as attention to important commentators. (Area I or II)
Rhetoric 166 Rhetoric in Law and Politics (4) Examination of the role of rhetoric in the legal and political thought of a particular era or culture. Course may compare societies or periods. All foreign texts will be studied in English translation. (Area II)
SOCWEL 176AC Poverty, Social Welfare, and Carceral Systems (3)
This a survey course intended to introduce the theoretical underpinnings, structure, and major components of two major U.S. institutions: the criminal legal system and the U.S. welfare state. The course offers an overview of the relationship between contemporary social welfare policies affecting low-income families in the United States with attention to how the criminal legal system further marginalizes already vulnerable populations.
(Area I)