TICKETS are available for purchase!!!
There is no limit.
Every body entering needs a ticket.
GRADUATES do not need a ticket, you are accounted for in a different manner.
Little ones 4 years old and under need a CHILD ticket. Those are free, but you have to "purchase" those online. You'll see when you get to the ticket purchase page.
Go here for all kinds of commencement info...before you write to me lol.
1) Lauri Needs Volunteers
2) Honors Conference
3) PolSci Phd Info Sess
4) SLC Help
1) Lauri Needs Volunteers
Lauri Needs Volunteers
Lauri will be forever grateful to get possibly four more volunteers (Christina already offered. Thank you! Christina!) to help out at the Legal Studies/JSP Commencement Ceremony on
Sunday, May 12th at Zellerbach Auditorium
The ceremony begins at 2pm, but set-up begins at noon.
I will need students to greet graduates, hand them their reader card, have them fill out the card and hold onto it for the ceremony. Some grads need their cap secured with bobbi pins, guests might need to buy tickets and so will need to be directed to the box office, etc etc.
One challenging but extremely important task is lining up the graduates for the procession.
After the procession, all the materials from outside need to be packed up and brought into the venue where you can then sit and enjoy the ceremony. I reserve seats for you up front on the right-hand side of the floor.
We're hoping for a calm, uneventful ceremony and you will play a large part in making everything go smoothly.
PLEASE only offer to volunteer if you KNOW FOR SURE that you can make it.
Thank you! ;-)
2) Honors Conference
Honors Conference
Friday, April 26, 2024, 10am - 4pm, Selznick Seminar Room, 2240 Piedmont
Zoom Link: https://bit.ly/lshonors2024
Here is the conference schedule.
Please come out to support your fellow Legal Studies majors!
Roman Hartwell, “From Cowboy to Technocrat: Policing in the Digital Age”
Anna Diaz, “Incarceration and Identity: A Narrative Reflection of the Criminal Legal System”
Cecilia Wolfcale, Lawyering Behind Bars: An Examination of the Experiences of “Jailhouse Lawyers”
Christina Ruppert, “Identity Conditioning, Confliction, and Transitions: A Case Study on Legal Practitioners Who Serve on Traditional and Collaborative Courtrooms”
Avani Singh, “Judicial Insights: Unraveling Mental Health Decisions in Collaborative vs. Traditional Courts”
Stephen Dai, “Judges as Reasonable Consumers”
Elena Roth, “Supreme Spectacle: An Analysis of Judicial Temperament and its changing role throughout the Supreme Court Nomination Process”
Issabella Romo, "No Hay Justicia Para Las Mujeres: Machismo’s Role in Mexico’s Law and Femicide Crisis"
Megan Yeh, “The Yellow Fever Epidemic: An Analysis of the Media and Legal Framing of Asian American Women”
Ana Jimenez, “Beyond Compliance: The Muwekma Ohlone’s History of Indigenous Rights Mobilization”
Natalie Fierro, “Resilient Roots, Empowered Community: Latine Student
Mobilization and Administration Accountability at UC Berkeley”
Morinne Chane-Kuang-Sang, “Third Time’s Charm? The EU-US Data Privacy Framework: A Comparative Study of the Legal practice Between France and California”
Macy Craft, “Rethinking Legal Endogeneity in the Context of Environmental, Social, and Governance Disclosures”
William-Henry Ku, “In the Door, But Not Up the Ladder: A Survey Experiment on the Impact of Identity Stereotypes and Visibility on Big Law Career Progress”
Tyler Mahomes-Kramer, “Policy, Progress, Practice: A Critical Review of LAUSD's Efforts on Black Student Achievement”
3) PolSci Phd Info Sess
PolSci Phd Info Sess
The UC Berkeley Political Science department invites you to join them for an information session to learn about applying to political science PhD programs and what it is like to earn a PhD. If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to be admitted to a PhD program, what a PhD in political science might be good for, and what the experience of earning a PhD is like, then this session is for you.
Event: PhD Info Session for Political Science
Date: Wednesday, May 1st, 2024
Time: 5:30 PM
Location: tba (Also available on ZOOM)
Professor Brutger will lead the event, and will be joined by Berkeley PhD students who will share their insights. The session will provide guidance on the application process, information about earning a PhD, job prospects for those with PhDs, etc.
The session will consist of an initial presentation from Professor Brutger and PhD students in the department, and then we will have a Q&A with participants.
You may participate in the event in person (pizza and drinks provided), virtually over Zoom, or may request a recording of the event.
Please use this form to register for the event and receive updates including the location and zoom address or request a recording:
4) SLC Help
SLC Help
Dear Cal learners,
Conquer your final exams and assignments with confidence by partnering with the SLC Strategic Learning Program. We've got your back with an expanded array of services tailored to give you just the boost you need to reach the finish line!
Here's what's in store:
“It’s Your Time” Time Management Workshop Finals Edition: During the last week of classes and RRR Week, we will be hosting special editions of our “It’s Your Time” Time Management Workshops geared specifically to support you in managing your time and schedule during the RRR & Finals Period! RSVP at bit.ly/slp-tmw
“It’s Your Time” Weekly Tune-Ups: Once you attend the “It’s Your Time” Workshop, join our time tune-ups to make your RRR & Finals Weeks plans even stronger! We’ll be holding our Tune-Ups at our regular time of Mondays, 12 - 1 pm in Chávez 151, and just for RRR Week we’re adding a time on Thursday, 5/2, 12 - 1 pm to give you yet another opportunity to adjust your plans for the final push!
SLP Power Hours: Boost your productivity and make headway on your finals exam preparation! These supercharged working sessions are designed to help you maximize your productivity and keep you motivated as you tackle your studying head-on. We’ll be offering Power Hours every day from 4/29 to 5/8! Check out the times and RSVP at bit.ly/slp-ph
For a full list of SLP services during RRR & Finals Week, please see our program calendar
In between SLP services, head to the César Chávez Atrium to study, take advantage of SLC tutoring, and grab a snack or refreshment! The Chávez Student Center will be open M - F 9 am - 6 pm throughout the RRR & Finals period.
Wishing you all the best as we wind down the semester and looking forward to seeing you at the SLC!