Law-related Courses from Other Departments Spring 2021

NOTE: Areas listed are for the NEW PLAN only.

Chicano Studies 174 Chicanos Law & Criminal Justice (4)  An examination of the development and function of law, the organization and administration of criminal justice, and their effects in the Chicano community; response to these institutions by Chicanos. (Area I or II)

UGBA 107 Social & Political Environment of Business (3) Study and analysis of American business in a changing social and political environment. Interaction between business and other institutions. Role of business in the development of social values, goals, and national priorities. The expanding role of the corporation in dealing with social problems and issues. (Area III)

Global 173 (formerly known as PACS 126) International Human Rights (4)
This course will explore the philosophical evolution of human rights principles in the realm of political theory and the influence of such principles as they have transformed into a coherent body of law. We will focus specifically on issues in international human rights law; the approach will be both thematic and comparative. Topics will include but are not limited to: human rights diplomacy; the influence of human rights in international legal practice; cultural and minority rights; genocide and the world community; cultural relativism and national sovereignty; international law and international relations; individual and collective rights; migration, labor, and globalization; and national, international, and nongovernmental organizations. (Area IV or V)

History 100D sec 1 Crime, Punishment, & Power in the United States, 1820-present (4)
This upper division lecture course explores the history of modern American criminal justice and the people who have shaped and been shaped by its colossal, life-altering powers. We begin by examining three distinct spaces in which new ideas about crime, policing, race, and punishment were articulated and given material force after the American Revolution: the prison, the city, and the slave plantation. From there, we’ll trace the emergence of a new law enforcement state in the early 20th century, and assess the extent to which earlier ideologies and practices influenced this fledgling system. History is rarely a straight or unbroken line from past to present, and the history of American criminal justice is no exception: we’ll also study alternative practices of policing and corrections that were, if only for a moment, politically viable and even quite popular during America’s “unfinished revolution” (Reconstruction, 1863-1877), the Progressive Era (1890-1919), and the Civil Rights Era. (Area I or IV or V)

History C139C Civil Rights and Social Movements in U.S. History (4) Beginning with the onset of World War II, America experienced not a sigular,unitary Civil Rights Movement — as is typically portrayed in standard textbood accounts and the collective memory — but rather a variety of contemporaneous civil rights and their related social movements. This course explores the history, presenting a top-down (political and legal history), bottom-up (social and cultural history), and comparative (by race and ethnicity as well as region) view of America’s struggles for racial equality from roughly World War II until the present. (Area IV)

Philosophy 104 Ethical Theories (4) The fundamental concepts and problems of morality examined through the study of classical and contemporary philosophical theories of ethics. (Area II or V)

Political Sci 124C Ethics of Justice in Intl. Affairs (4) Should nations intervene in other countries to prevent human rights abuses or famine? On what principles should immigration be based? Should wealthy states aid poorer states, and if so, how much? Who should pay for global environmental damage? Answers to these moral questions depend to a great degree on who we believe we have an obligation to: Ourselves? Nationals of our country? Residents of our country? Everyone in the world equally? We will examine different traditions of moral thought including skeptics, communitarians, cosmopolitans, and use these traditions as tools to make reasoned judgments about difficult moral problems in world politics. (Area V)

Public Policy C103 Wealth & Poverty (4)This course is designed to provide students with a deeper understanding both of the organization of the political economy in the United States and of other advanced economies, and of why the distribution of earnings, wealth, and opportunity have been diverging in the United States and in other nations. It also is intended to provide insights into the political and public-policy debates that have arisen in light of this divergence, as well as possible means of reversing it. (Area I or IV) Also listed as LS C180U.

Rhetoric 166 Rhetoric in Law and Politics (4) Examination of the role of rhetoric in the legal and political thought of a particular era or culture. Course may compare societies or periods. All foreign texts will be studied in English translation. (Area II)